This explosive movement should propel the kettlebell to chest or shoulder height. What other exercises work the same muscle groups? Only a reverse hack squat machine or the smith machine can engage your stabilizer muscles. Reverse Hyperextension Form and Technique, Muscles Worked by Reverse Hyperextensions, Reverse Hyperextensions Sets, Reps, and Weight Recommendations, Reverse Hyperextensions Variations and Alternatives, How to Program the Reverse Hyperextension, 3-4 sets of 8-10 repetitions with light to moderate loads, at a controlled speed (focusing on proper eccentric/lowering of the weight), resting as needed, 2-3 sets of 12-15 repetitions with moderate loads (about 25% of back squat), keeping rest periods 45-90 seconds, 3-4 sets of 8-10 repetitions with heavy loading (roughly 50% of back squat), resting as needed, 2-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions with light to moderate loads, keeping rest periods under 30-45 seconds, Activate Your Glutes with Any of These 12 Glute Exercises, Brian Shaw Tests Out 2020 World’s Strongest Man Equipment, Day One of 2020 World’s Strongest Man Canceled, All of the Events for the 2020 World’s Strongest Man, 2020 World’s Strongest Man Qualifier Groups Announced, Powerlifter Rudy Kadlub Sets 4 World Records At Age 71, The Best Barbells For Training, Weightlifting, Powerlifting, and More, The 11 Best Creatine Supplements On the Market. This action will make sure you are shifting the weights so they can act on your hamstrings and glutes. Swing the kettlebell forward in front of your body. The reverse hyperextension can be done on a reverse hyperextension machine, bench, or GHD set up. As a result, they build enough power in your legs. Keeping your legs straight and feet together, shift them slightly forward (this will help you stay balanced).
You'll also need good abdominal strength with this exercise. If you are performing workouts such as a basic barbell squat and deadlift, your lower back might hurt because of pressure the weights exert on them. The reverse hyperextension can be done on a machine, bench, or even backwards on the GHD apparatus. DO NOT extend the knee during this movement). Continue moving until the thigh reaches or comes close to a position where it aligns vertically to the floor. As a result, the reverse hack squat is easy to perform and very safe for anyone performing it. ☀️ – Spent the morning playing on some new (well, new to me) gym equipment – one being my absolute favorite was the reverse hyper. As such, it is a complete thigh workout exercise!
Work up to 3 sets.