The alt attribute provides an “alternative description” for the image. There are three different kinds of URLs that can be used in the src attribute: Absolute URLs. If you want to report an error, or if you want to make a suggestion, do not hesitate to send us an e-mail:

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Specifies a client-side image map to be used with the image. HTML checkbox – checkbox in html and how to get checked values, An Ultimate HTML Tutorial for Beginners and Advanced Learners, input type text – How to use simple and CSS styled text boxes, 12 Demos of HTML buttons: Simple and CSS style, 8 different HTML input type form examples.
title attribute! Alternatively you can specify absolute path like this:

. Tutorials, references, and examples are constantly reviewed to avoid errors, but we cannot warrant full correctness of all content. Specifies an alternate text for an image. These users will normally see the, Image failure — If an image fails to load for any reason (bad file name, connection problems), the user will usually see the.
This is quite useful for SEO purpose as well. Good alt description. The example below shows using img src and alt attributes.
A lot. Previously used to specify the number of times a video should play, when used in conjunction with the dynsource attribute. © 2015-2020 Quality Nonsense Ltd.
If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. The alt attribute provides alternative information for an image if a user for some reason cannot view it (because of slow connection, an error in the src attribute, or if the user uses a screen reader).
Indicates the intrinsic width of the image, in CSS pixels. In order to link images to other web pages you can nest
tag with
The src is an attribute of
tag of HTML. Or use src inside HTML link tag. Also if somehow image is not displayed, due to user’s slow connection or some other reason the alt text will be displayed. In img src attribute you can specify relative path e.g. This attribute does nothing. alt stand for alternative text. See below “src” examples with relative and absolute path: As you can see both specifications are showing same result. It is now deprecated. An image with an alternate text specified: The required alt attribute specifies an alternate text for an image, if the image cannot be displayed. Search engines have a hard time figuring out what the content of an image actually is. Toggled media player controls when used in conjunction with the dynsrc
attribute. if your domain is: then img src can be:
. A complete guide to image formats supported by web browsers is available.Click the short name of each type to go to a longer description of the type, its capabilities, and detailed browser compatibility information including which versions introduced support for the type and for specific special features that may have been introduced later. We’ve put together this tutorial on the Rules of Alt to help you out. Assistive technology — If the user is visually impaired, and is using a screen reader, the screen reader will read the, Images turned off — Some users prefer to surf the web with images turned off (to save bandwidth or to minimize distraction). Identifies the intrinsic height of an image file, in CSS pixels. You can use images linked to other web pages of your website or some other website. Was previously used to specify the alignment and placement of an image relative to the surrounding text. alt stand for alternative text. The image defined by the URL is retrieved by the browser and inserted into the document when the page loads.
If you are using third party images (images from other URL) then specify absolute path. Deprecated in HTML 4.0 in favor of other attributes. The img’s src stands for source, i.e. Both attributes have been deprecated. The alt attribute provides an “alternative description” for the image.
It will be taken as Identified the image or provided additional information about it. it (because of slow connection, an error in the src attribute, or if the user uses a screen reader).
The src attribute identifies an image by a URL. The img src stands for image source, which is used to specify the source of an image in the HTML
tag. Just identify the picture. If you are using images from same domain then you should use relative path. Defines multiple sizes of the same image, allowing the browser to select the appropriate image source. For example, this is how the image path is set along with title and alt attributes in img tag: This is quite useful for SEO purpose as well. This description is normally not presented to the user, but will be under certain circumstances: Here’s an example of displaying the alt text in place of a failed image (the image src points to nothing). "> The alt description — Users. The alt description is also very helpful for search engines. src - Specifies the path to the image alt - Specifies an alternate text for the image, if the image for some reason cannot be displayed Note: Also, always specify the width and height of an image. The alt attribute will accept any text string, but there are certain best practices that will help.
The alt attribute provides alternative information for an image if a user for some reason cannot view
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Defines a URL at which can be found more information about the image. The example below shows using img src and alt attributes.
Identifies an image as a server-side image map. For example google search for images. Specifies alternative text to be displayed in particular contexts. It has been deprecated and should no longer be used.
So search engines rely on the alt description to know what is actually in a picture (they also use the file name and other attributes).
When the containing anchor link is clicked, the coordinates of the mouse will be included in the request. The img src attribute.
They are getting better at it, but identifying the subject of a photo or picture is extremely difficult. It was once used by a proprietary software system. This description is normally not presented to the user, but will be under certain circumstances: While using W3Schools, you agree to have read and accepted our. Was never a part of the HTML specification, and not widely implemented. How much more is there to know about alt? Both attributes are now deprecated. specifying image source where image will be pulled. The text should describe the image if the image contains information, The text should explain where the link goes if the image is inside an element, Use alt="" if the image is only for decoration. The example below shows how to link an image to other web pages by using src.
Was intended to prevent users from downloading an image. The HTML Comment Tag: Here’s How To Use It In Your Code, Input Pattern: Use It To Add Basic Data Validation In HTML5. For example google search for images.
Using img tag with src and alt attributes example.
Used by the now-defunct Netscape browser to suppress the display of image prior to image download completion. If you care about SEO, you should make sure that you have relevant alt descriptions for all of your images. It has been deprecated and should not be used. It was written out of the HTML5 specification, but its status is not quite so clear as other deprecated features. Web Images: Best Practices and HTML Code In One Useful Guide, HTML Tags Guide To Adding Images To Your Web Documents. 提示和注释: 注释: alt 属性的值是一个最多可以包含 1024 个字符的字符串,其中包括空格和标点。 这个字符串必须包含在引号中。这段 alt 文本中可以包含对特殊字符的实体引用,但它不允许包含其他类别的标记,尤其是不允许有任何样式标签。 Specified a smaller or lower-quality version of an image. Registered office: Quality Nonsense Ltd, 27 Mortimer Street, London, W1T 3BL, UK Sitemap | Privacy | Contact, Adam is a technical writer who specializes in developer documentation and. The HTML standard doesn't give a list of image formats that must be supported, so each user agent supports a different set of formats. No need to refer to it (“This is a picture of…”). -->