Mating often occurs within 24 hours of adult emergence from grain kernels. Life Cycle. But you can be certain their are more in … Note that identification of Sitophilus oryzae is difficult because of its similarity with Sitophilus zeamais, and needs to be done by a taxonomist. Privacy Policy 8. Rice weevils and maize weevils are about 1/8 inch long and brown.

Only one larva develops in small grains such as wheat and rice but large grains such as maize will  support the development of several. Insects with cylindrical bodies and a pronounced rostrum (snout) equipped with mouthparts which is used by females as a boring tool; elbowed, clubbed antennae set on rostrum; 4-segmented tarsi. Photo 5. The mature ones are wingless. Rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae, on rice. Detailed information about the use of cookies on this website and how you can manage or withdraw your consent at any time can be found in our Beauveria Bassiana is a biological insecticide device to manage granary weevil that remains in hoarded maize.

Copyright 10. There is a variation in length of the mature Sitophilus to a considerable extent from 2.5 to 5.0 mm, even though the normal length is from 3 to 4 mm. The maize weevil is very similar to the rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae (see Fact Sheet no. The wheat weevil, named Sitophilus Granaries, otherwise called grain weevil or even granary weevil, is found the world over.

They have densely spaced pits on the pronotum that are round (maize weevil) or elongated (rice weevil). After discarding the kernel, the female discharges a sex pheromone to entice the male for the purpose of mating. Females can lay 300 to 400 eggs typically one per cavity.

There are small oval pits on the elytra in contrast to round pits found in rice-weevil. The granary weevil (Sitophilus granarius) can be separated from the maize weevil ... Life Cycle.

Adult weevils withstand starvation for 2-3 weeks. The food of the granary weevil comprises of the following: barley, maize, groundnut, wheat, chickpea, oats, sunflower, millets, rice, sorghum, rye, broad bean, triticale (Wiki- hybrid of wheat) and the types of dry stored items. There are very clear oval punctures on the prothroax. Primarily because it is not easy to detect whether all the grains are infested, you would do well to wipe out the stocks. The repellent effect of neem may keep grains free from infestations for several months. The female weevil after attaining sexual maturity hew slight cavities in the kernels of grains and deposit 300-400 small white eggs, one in each cavity. They have densely spaced pits on the pronotum that are round (maize weevil) or elongated (rice weevil). The egg hatches in a few days into soft, white, legless, fleshy grubs which feed on the interior of the grain, hollowing it out. For small amounts, store maize, rice, wheat, etc., in plastic containers. 338).

Plagiarism Prevention 4. IMPORTANCE AS A PEST:


Remove old kernels, and sweep floors, walls, doors, and vents to collect seeds, grain powder and dust, and burn them before storing the new harvest. The larva instars 4 times.

Reproduction. Body bears ridged wing covers. Asia, Africa, North, South and Central America, the Caribbean, Europe, Oceania. The female lays about 200 eggs at a rate of 2-3 per day depending upon temperature and humidity, placing each one in a small hole bored in the grain and sealing it in with a mucilaginous plug of saliva. Order: Coleoptera (‘sheath-wings’) When the surrounding is warm, it is possible for the life cycle to take 4 to 6 weeks, however in winter it takes 21 weeks. Photo 3. LIFE-CYCLE: The Grain weevil can only breed in grain with a moisture content of more than 9.5% and at temperatures within the range 13-35°C.

Maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais; another view of the four (very) faint, reddish spots at the corner of the wing case.

They may complete a generation in a month in warm conditions. Keep grain storage rooms, sheds, houses, or "cribs" clean. Mating often occurs within 24 hours of adult emergence from grain kernels. In most of the families there are more than 60,000 varieties, more particularly in the Curculionidae (the real weevils) family; a few of the remaining bottles, even though they are distant relatives, are called as “weevil”- they are the Biscuit Weevil, scientifically named Stegobiumpaniceum, of the Anobiidae family. For small infestations, freezing for several days and then heating for 24 hours is affective. Look for the adults, with long snouts (about 1 mm).

Larvae hollow out kernels of grain and usually attack whole kernels.

Weevils: (Sitophilus spp.) Due to past insect problems, we’re diligent about storing all foods in glass jars or plastic zip-top bags. Sieving has been used as a method of removing adult weevils, but it is very labour intensive. The adults also attack damaged grains (Photo 2). Normally, the females lay from 150 to 300 eggs all through their lives.

Contrary to their name, rice weevils feed on a variety of grains, including barley, wheat, corn, oats, rye and sorghum. During large infestations, heat and moisture are produced, leading to colonisation by moulds and mites. The granary weevil is prone to Organophodphorus Compounds like Irimiphos-Methyl and Fenitrothion; however, they are not so prone to Synthetic Pyrethroids.

If there is an infestation, locate it by putting sticky traps around the room or warehouse where it occurred. On average, adult weevils have a lifespan of two to three months, during which they mate and lay eggs multiple times.

The weevil is not a strong flyer, less so than Sitophilus zeamais, and spread to new locations is by adults and larvae on and inside consignments of grain. Rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae, on maize.

Adults, 3-4mm long; colour: dark brown, nearly black, with shiny appearance; 8-segmented antennae; prothorax with distinct oblong/oblongoval punctures; hindwings absent. Fast Life Cycle Pantry Moths. no legs or other type of limbs and compressed head) and white in color. Maize Weevil (Sitophilus zeamais)

Rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae, adult on maize. They are rarely seen outside of the grain kernel. These include pit fall traps, bait bags, insect probe traps and adhesive traps. Note care are must be taken to ensure that the treated seed does not contaminate that used for human consumption. Grain weevils are encountered in all temperate and warm-temperate climates and are widely distributed in grain stores throughout Europe.

Dry the grain as soon as possible after harvest, and repeat during storage if necessary. Commonly, loss of weight is up to 5%, but severe infestations increase the losses up to 40%. Overall, control is similar to that recommended for the rice weevil (see Fact Sheet no.
Similar cautions apply as for pyrethroids (above).

Adults live for several months to a year. Adults, 2-3.5mm long (average 2.5mm); colour: dark brown, nearly black, with four clearly defined reddish spots on the elytra; less shiny than the Grain weevil; 8-segmented antennae; prothorax with round or irregular punctures; hindwings present. Risks Grain weevils are primary grain pests, infesting undamaged grain and attacking other hard cereal products such as macaroni and spaghetti. CULTURAL CONTROLIt is most important to dry the grain properly, to keep the storage area clean, and to monitor the grain often and regularly. The back of the rostrum is strong and very closely deflated in males than in females.

Monitoring using sticky traps, pitfall traps, or pheromone traps will help with proper identification. However, S. granarius is less prevalent in tropical and semitropical climate. Both adults and larvae are coldhardy. Rice weevil, lesser grain weevil, small snout weevil. Moisture levels should be about 12% (most stored product pests required moisture levels of 13-18% to reproduce). In the home, control of these insects involves inspection and removal of infested food products, discarding the heavily infested material, re-packaging material in new containers, and vacuuming kitchen cabinets. There are 8 segments in the antennae, housed in a lengthened way when it is walking. Adults often live for 7 to 8 months and some records are over 2 years. The adults emerge after a further 5-16 days and will live for about 9 months. The life span of the granary beetle is 7-8 months on average. Rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae, showing four faint, reddish spots at the corner of the wing case. Maize, rice, sorghum, wheat, casssava and yam, and also dried stored products, including pasta. Collect and dispose of spilled grain in or around the storage area. The eggs hatch into white, legless larvae, which remain inside the grain, and pupate there. It is possible to fumigate the grain stock with Methyl Bromide or Phosphine.

Grain Weevil (Granary Weevil) (Sitophilus granarius) Once the eggs hatch, weevil larvae feed voraciously on whatever plant-based food source is nearby.
The colour of the body is dark-brown or brownish-black. Note the characteristic emergence holes of the adult from the grain. Infestations arise as a result of their regular importation in grain and cereal products and from the fabric of vehicles or buildings used for the transportation and storage of these and other vulnerable commodities. They may even infest processed cereal goods such as macaroni. There are several methods of evading such wheat weevil. Before publishing your articles on this site, please read the following pages: 1. Females lay 300-400 eggs, singly, in holes chewed in the grains and covered with a gelatinous substance. Perhaps a method to avoid if seed is for growing. Adults and larvae feed upon wheat, com, macaroni, oats, barley, sorghum and other grains and grains products.

Maize Weevil image provided by Pat Porter. The fresher adult that emerges, munches its way out of the grain, creating a typical rough and big rectangular hole at the exit with uneven edges. Synthetic pyrethroids: e.g., deltamethrin or cypermethrin. Maize weevil, greater grain weevil, greater rice weevil.            Sieving has been used as a method of removing adult weevils, but it is very labour intensive. Phosphine. Detailed information about the use of cookies on this website and how you can manage or withdraw your consent at any time can be found in our. The entire life cycle is completed in about 5-7 weeks under favourable conditions.

The weevil is considered a very destructive pest of stored grain, rice, maize, barley and wheat. 3.5mm long AUTHOR Grahame Jackson1Information from Swaine G (1971) Agricultural Zoology in Fiji. When the infestation is severe, only the hull of the grain remains, along with powdered white frass (minute powdery leftover or delicate wood with perforations generated by the boring action of the insects). SPECIES CHARACTERISTICS: The adult female will lay 4 eggs per day and produce about 400 eggs during its fertile lifetime. Produced with support from the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research under project PC/2010/090: Strengthening integrated crop management research in the Pacific Islands in support of sustainable intensification of high-value crop production, implemented by the University of Queensland and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community. Rice weevil is the most common weevil in wheat in Australia; Lesser grain borer: (Rhyzopertha dominica) Rust-red flour beetle: ... Life cycle completed in four weeks at 35°C and seven weeks at 22°C.