Phil Spencer also said this back in 2016 about Xbox Games Studios releases. Aloy in a bikini? Look for the people saying now i dont need a PS5 good luck i dont own a PC i want a really cheap laptop for mostly surfing and looking up some stuff. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. If you're fine waiting 3+ years for games to come out on your platform, then hats off, you're the most patient person in the world or had no interest in it to begin with. So I think predictably there are two extreme feelings. Let's get one thing out of the way first, by "exclusive" I mean games that are only playable on PS3 or PS4 during the first 4 years of their lifespan. Before anyone calls me a fanboy btw I used to be a PC gamer in my younger years through college. Yes, bigger audience reach = more income = more to spend on new games, but I highly doubt the PC sales will make up for the sales they will start losing on both hardware and exclusivity sales which were doing so well during this generation. I predicted that a while ago but got bashed on this very site. If you're that desperate to play Horizon 2 on PS5 and Horizon on PS4 then do that, them being on PC doesn't change things except give Sony more money and get more people buying a PS5 because they can't wait until the end of next gen to play Horizon 2. Thank you!! Horizon: Zero Dawn has just been confirmed for a PC release this summer, and it's the kind of announcement that has some PlayStation fans worried that the company is slowly abandoning its own systems. , I've seen many tweets that apparently ps gamers should be dancing in the streets to celebrate their PC 'friends' can play ps games otherwise they are selfish. As I'm a Nintendo fan, Ratchet and Clank has quickly become one of my favorite Sony franchises and the PS3 has much more to offer than PS4 here. Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds [PS3, Xbox 360] - NOTE: Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is the definitive version of the game and is available on 360, PS3, PS Vita, PS4, XBO & PC and is an all-around upgrade from the original (which was released only on 360 & PS3). "You seem unhappy about the idea of "the 'Master Race' getting to play and bastardise a beloved PS exclusive", even if you aren't explicit about it, well in that case feck your fuelings. If I buy a PS5 in the US Will my Japanese kids be able to play it? All the reactions on the internet of videos of consoles getting smashed and crying people are just confirming it. Do any of that on day 1 on PC and you have a sale. that is a fact. PC isnt competition for Playstation. This is merely Sony talking out both sides of their mouth. Also expect some more to be released. @Gamer83 They are diminishing PS as a platform just for a few more game sales. @playstation1995 I have a feeling he was the one who started all this & I hope Sony does not lose the plot MS had to make all the PC moves because Xbox was not selling & they have PC anyway. Right now there's about 2 great exclusives (for my taste) on ps4, ps3 had a lot more at the end of it's cycle. I will read up on those exclusives. Maybe that's what they're trying to figure out too. Words are easy. It makes a lot of sense to put exclusives on PC a few years after release. I have friends who believed Destiny was PS exclusive in 2013 haha.
You can bet every single Playstation "exclusive" to be on PC. You could also get the original PS1 Discs and play them on your PS3 via backwards compatibility :).
Even if it comes out on PC some years later, those who really wanted to play it, already did. However do let me know if the game on your PS4 starts to show blurry textures, reduced drawing distances and even lower framerates once the PC gamers start to enjoy this game, then I'll raise a complaint against Sony too. I played HZD 3 years ago. Maybe for some typing once every how long. Virtue signalling guys saying its wonderful and hardcore fans saying it's a disaster. The answer is money. You scare the s*** out of me. A huge amount of PC gamers are pirates who don't pay for games. Devil May Cry 5, Resident Evil 2 for recent examples. That is their statement so other games will NEVER be published for PC. @Areus Especially considering the whole comment about "We don’t have plans for day and date [PC releases], and we remain 100% committed to dedicated hardware.". Which is nice and appreciated! And no this will certainly not make PC folk buy a PS5, especially cuz waiting 2-3 years is nothing when you have hundreds of other games. I know how this game goes. My gf wants the story-driven games, and co-op games with her would be cool. Coincidence?! That's a really bold and risky move. Make even better Playstation exclusives.
They'll turn the robots in HZD into Thomas the Tank or something and put Aloy in a bikini. PC piracy has plummeted even in the developing and former Soviet bloc countries thanks to Steam and GoG. horizon was a "great fit" how exactly? competition is a good thing. Robert's been a dedicated PlayStation fan since the days of Tekken 2, and he still loves a good dust up. @Col_McCafferty Nothing wrong with loving them, but you imply that there are no great exclusives on the PC which is manifestly false. If you get it used, you probably won't be able to get MGS1. Yes, it's a common sense statement. I don't know if it will ever drop to where it sells Xbox levels but no doubt it devalues the PS5 and any PlayStation consoles that follow. I think your being nice not to offend anyone here haha. @playstation1995 Indeed. @David187 well, 109 millions to 41 millions should speak it itself, but management is a hard thing like we are seing. "And to maybe put a few minds at ease, releasing one first-party AAA title to PC doesn’t necessarily mean that every game now will come to PC" — and this comment doesn't necessarily mean they won't, it just sounds like a vague platitude. I lucked out and nobody used the code when I bought my copy from GameStop.
The PlayStation consoles will still be their primary focus. Guess we'll see. @David187. Curious to see what games Sony plans on releasing on PC in the future. PS I alongside most other PC gamers will support PC exclusives going to the PS4 - and the XBox and the Switch, as long as they are technically feasible.