His life, his speeches and his achievements have a lot for us to learn from. Can globalization be considered to be doing more harm than good? He also practised Zen Buddhism moving a step ahead in attaining spirituality. This is basically why iOS devices stand apart from the crowd of Android OS where a new device is launched almost every fortnight. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. 3. Under his oversight, Apple introduced such innovative products as the iMac, iPhone, and iPod. That’s maybe the most important thing. For instance, as one of the founders of Apple, Jobs created what has become one of the most valuable companies in the world. But why is collaboration so important? Why don’t we take some advice from Steve Jobs and his time with Apple, one of the most successful companies in the world? Enjoy eNotes ad-free and cancel anytime. Moreover, Apple was not his first venture and took to several odd jobs before the idea of making it big struck him. Steven Jobs (right) and Stephen Wozniak holding an Apple I circuit board, c. 1976. Why don’t we take some advice from Steve Jobs and his time with Apple, one of the most successful companies in the world? Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Albert Einstein, the man with the I.Q like no other said this which indeed applies to the childhood interests of Jobs. He tried his hands at being an Astronaut only to be rejected, considered starting a computer company in the Soviet Union, started NeXT computers, and bought George Lucas’ computer graphics, started Pixar animation with Toy Story, sold Pixar to Disney and NeXT to Apple and wins back the lost battle- resumes Apple as the CEO. During his lifetime, Jobs was often compared to a monk with his single-minded dedication to Apple and his restrictive vegetarian diet -- sometimes fasting for periods -- and austere choice of wardrobe. We have yet to fully understand the implications of the “always connected” culture the iPhone helped make possible. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. This exceptional thought process and even more remarkable journey in the making of Apple products are what still keeps him alive long after he’s gone. Development of Your Thesis During that same period, Jobs was heading the most important project in the company’s history. After he was recklessly fired from Apple, Jobs didn’t take a halt. There were several influential people who were mentors in Jobs' life -- one of them was the Zen master Otogawa -- and it only seemed natural for Jobs to eventually become a mentor himself. And the rest as we all know…. She writes articles on technology as a freelancer. The Lord’s preaching still holds well!! If you liked Steve Jobs inspirational story kindly share it with your friends and colleagues. The young Jobs had seriously considered becoming a monk, according to Alex Gibney’s 2015 documentary Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine. It would later be pointed to as the archetype of “event marketing.”. Jobs made Apple come back with a blast again with it’s stylish innovative products like iMac. Inspired by the spiritualism at the Hare Krishna temple Jobs moved to India to find a place for himself in an ashram. Apple steadily improved the machine, so that it eventually became the company’s lifeblood as well as the model for all subsequent computer interfaces. It may either be struggling all your life to make money and leaving behind material things or working to make a difference to the world and staying alive forever in the hearts of innumerable patrons, like Jobs. When I have some time, I’m going to start a public foundation. However, Jobs knew he could not accomplish anything alone and had a great knack at recruiting top-notch people and getting them to do anything to get the job done -- even if it was a detriment to their personal life, according to former Apple employees’ testimony from Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine. It’s to shake off this erroneous notion that life is there and you’re just gonna live in it, versus embrace it, change it, improve it, make your mark upon it. The late-Apple CEO, who grew up in Silicon Valley, was worth $8.3 billion in Apple stock at the time of his death in 2011, making him the 34th richest man in the United States at this time of this death. I do some things privately now.". The Facebook founder spent a month traveling the country and said that “seeing the way that people connected made him feel that the world would be much better if everyone had a stronger ability to connect,” which reinforced his vision. Great minds inspire the future greater minds. In 2003 Jobs was diagnosed with a rare form of pancreatic cancer, and the following year he underwent a major reconstructive surgery known as the Whipple operation. After all the man spoke out of his own experience and his convictions were strong enough to negate the presence of any odds that came his way before they turned out to be fortunate enough to be known as milestones in his success stories!! He did not know technology. May be All of this and more…. Steve Jobs' impact on the world continues today through his accomplishments in technology, innovation, and product development. For a man who founded a computer company, Jobs lacked the sophisticated engineering know-how that someone such as Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg possessed. His passion for excellence, to create the best, to have unprecedented approach to life.