Flyer can try extending one leg (or both legs) to the sky to enter Handstand! You can lift your feet into it from the floor, or you can move back forth from narrow to wide legs without touching the mat. P1 leans backward into Camel, but instead of reaching for their ankles, reaches for the back of P2’s thighs. Victoria, BC, Canada | Contact Eric |
If you find you're knocking each other off balance, simply step a little farther away. These more Tantric practices are obviously very intimate and not suitable for all partners, but they can add another dimension to the connection and communication that occurs during partner yoga, and partner meditation. Walk your feet in close to her hips, have her take hold of your heels, and have her place her soles on your lower thighs. Find your balance and try straightening your legs. P2 begins in Reverse Tabletop, placing the hands on top of P1’s ankles. Place your right heel halfway between hers, so all four heels are in a line. It is the leading healthy lifestyle media brand for women in Singapore, with more than 200,000 unique visitors a month. Staff Pose & Handstand (Square Pose)Dandasana & Adho Mukha Vrikshasana. Support your lower back with your core muscles and work on opening your chest; drop your head back if it's comfortable for your neck. If you're in boat pose, you can guide your partner's sitting bones upward to deepen her stretch. Chair & ShoulderstandUtkatasana & Sarvangasana. There’s no magic bullet to get rid of annoying a, Almost Friday! This is kind of like that, only better, and with a little more stretch for the hamstrings! Engage the core to stabilize as you straighten your legs into straddle. This is one of several ways to work on your handstand with a partner. Your partner can turn around either way; if she's facing away, you can use your feet to guide her sacro-iliac joints down and increase her stretch. (. Begin in Supta Vajrasana, an intermediate-level pose that's best learned from a teacher. Now step backward and farther backward, leaning forward in the process until both torsos and the extended arms are parallel to the floor. Once P2 is in Pincha, P1 guides one of P2’s legs to rest gently on their torso. Now open your shoulders and walk your hands closer if necessary to align your arms into a handstand. 7 Foods That Reduce Bloating – and 5 That Cause It, How to Have An Orgasm During Sex (If You Have Trouble Climaxing). If available, P2 engages the core and glutes to lift the feet off the ground. Which one are y, News flash: The sold-out Under Armour Sportsmask w, You are stronger than you think. Communicate here to make sure flyer is ready, then P1 will straighten the legs, effectively lifting P2’s lower body off the ground. One foot at a time, P2 places the toes on P1’s shoulders. P2 places one foot on top of P1’s thigh (just above the knee). Partner A, fold forward while Partner B pulls you. Stay with both legs extended to the sky, in line with your shoulders, or extend one leg overhead into Plow as you each press your extended legs into each other’s to maintain Shoulderstand. Knees should be bent at 90 degrees and directly above ankles. Benefits: These are power planks! Place the soles of your feet together and grab each other’s forearms. Be well and enjoy! Always move with awareness and respect your partner's level of strength and flexibility. To see an advanced practice, check out this acro yoga video. Begin facing your partner with your knees bent feet wide apart, both feet flat on the mat, your toes touching your partner’s. For a fun transition from here, check out the next pose. Previously a dancer, Ashley has been practicing yoga for over 15 years and teaching for 5. Not to worry – intimacy isn’t only romantic or sexual – there’s also intellectual, experiential, and emotional intimacy, all of which can be applied and strengthened in partner yoga. Each partner can lengthen her front body, keeping her chest open and stretching her legs and pelvis. We created this site because we believe no matter how inexperienced you are, you CAN have fun being active and healthy, without sacrificing tons of time and money. Begin in easy crossed legged seated pose facing away from your partner, your backs making full contact with each other. Engage your belly button and lift the spine tall as you straighten your legs in unison with your partner, so that you are both in boat pose, feet pressing into each other. Benefits: Supported Shoulderstand provides the benefits of an inversion but is a great option for anyone who is wary of attempting a full inversion. In most cases, instructions can be followed by both partners at once. A good place to start is to extend your inside arms toward each other; move as close as you need to be to touch each other’s forearms. Also feel free to lift up into side plank, bring one leg up at a time, or do any other plank variation you like. Your body should be as straight as a plank. We are Victor and Ally, the health creatives behind this blog! [CLOSED] Win $50 Pink Fish Dining Vouchers! This will allow her to release more fully and go more deeply into the stretch. Having a partner in this pose ensures that you will be reaching correct alignment, because you’re using each other for support. Partner yoga is new and exhilarating – remember riding your bike for the first time? If you have a less flexible back, get closer to your partner so that your feet line up with your partner’s ankles. This move is difficult to learn well online, so pay close attention to what your partner likes and handle her with care. (Also read: Do These Yoga Poses If You Have Stiff Back & Shoulders). Adjust your position so your left thigh overlaps your partner’s. Bring your front arm forward to rest on top of your partner’s, palms will be at the top of the shoulders. Stand back-to-back with your feet fairly wide. Have your partner lay on her back with her knees and feet lifted up. This is commonly turned into a flow: inhale to seated, exhale to fold over P1; inhale to seated; exhale to fold over P2 – give it a try! P2 takes hold of P1’s hands, leaning back to allow space to lift the legs off the mat and extend them on top of P1’s legs. Begin in tabletop position, a little closer than arms length to your partner. If your left sit-bone lifts or your lower back complains at all, pull back from the stretch. Once you are at a 90-degree angle, where your torso is parallel to the ground, place your hands on your partner’s back, face down. You can use the arrows or the thumbnails on the left to explore. Thank you for visiting and enjoy your yoga! Lean forward with a straight spine, then allow your head to fall completely forward as you take hold around the back of your own feet to hold onto your partner’s feet. Deepen her twist by pulling her right hand with your left. P2 presses the triceps into the mat to lift the hips enough to place the soles of the feet on top of P1’s thighs, directly above the knees. Press into the bottom hand to lift into plank as you extend your top arm diagonally upward to meet your partner’s. Enjoy a deep luxurious stretch here. Don’t have a romantic partner? Supine Hero Sit-upsSupta Vajrasana sit-ups. The stronger partner (the "base") can lie on the floor and raise both legs up to 45°. Partner Yoga. From here, keep your grip on your partner as you rock back onto your upper back. It may take some practice to get the height right. Let your upper back broaden. Here, Estelle demonstrates the partner yoga poses with instructor Denise Keller. Keep bringing your navels forward and upward, to stretch your hamstrings and protectyour lower backs. Turn both your shoulders to the right and reach your right hand to your partner's left knee. Try Yoga with a partner and combine your abilities for a deeper practice together. A strong energetic connection will form as chakras interact and auras overlap. Hold for five deep breaths or more. Place your hands on each other’s shoulders. Take hold of your partner’s hand that’s on the floor. Both partners can guide their shoulders towards their ribs and their elbows backward, thus bringing their torsos in line with their arms. Allow yourself to relax, be aware of yourself and your partner, and adjust the depth of the pose to suit your flexibility. However, the flying and lifting postures are not recommended for beginners. You can play with distance and positioning here, and try different standing balances like Eagle Pose or Dancer Pose if you like. You can also do this pose facing away from your partner, bringing your upper backs together to touch. Touch your toes and forefeet to your partner's, as shown at the top left. Bring one foot onto her sacrum, placing it carefully to avoid the movable vertebrae of her lower back. Now pull her up and forward as you move your hips back, taking her weight onto you with your knees slightly bent. (Also read: 7 Yoga Myths You Have to Stop Believing), Strengthens arms, shoulders, back, legs and ankles; opens hips, chest and lungs. Come to a knee-standing position facing away from your partner. Uttanasana & Hasta VrischikasanaForward Bend with Handstand Scorpion. Depending on your flexibility, you may need to move closer or farther away from each other. Reach one arm forward and place it on her shoulder, followed by the other arm; then guide your chest downward to open your shoulders and heart. If the crowns of your heads are crunching together, step a few inches back. It elicits the safe space of what an embryo feels in its mother’s womb. Place your left hand on top of your right knee and reach your right hand behind you to place on top of your partner’s left knee. The flyer can reach forward/down to join hands with the base, who will bend her knees just slightly and lift the flyer up to balance on her feet. Mentally and emotionally, you and your partner can use partner yoga to acknowledge that sometimes your state of balance goes a little out of whack – maybe one person is dedicating more attention to the relationship than the other, or one person is acting a little more sensitive (or insensitive) than usual. If you bend your knees too far, you'll need lots of leg strength for the lift; you can have your partner stand on blocks if she's too far down to comfortably lift. Benefits: Joining hands with your partner allows you to both lift higher, upward, and outward from the hips in Warrior II, so that you create more space along the front side body without crunching the lower spine. Benefits: P1 gets a deep assist into Pyramid to open the hamstrings while P2 gets to play with fun Handstand shapes. Benefits: This is a partner power move – both positions require a ton of strength – the base gets a great ab workout while the flyer is able to strengthen proper form and alignment for Handstand. The more flexible partner (the "flyer") can place her front hips on the base's feet, so the center of each forefoot aligns with the matching iliac crest. Fold forward from your hips, lifting your sitting bones upward and reaching your sternum down towards the floor. Sit cross-legged facing your partner, with your knees almost touching hers. Enjoy it and smile. You make keep your eyes closed or increase intimacy and connection by looking into each other’s eyes. Sit back-to-back with your legs extended forward and tailbones touching, then simply lower yourself forward while your partner relaxes and moves along with you. Weather has been gloomy these days, A little reminder that there’s absolutely *no ne, No boring planks or sit-ups required! P1 takes Revolved Triangle to the right side: brings their left hand to the mat to revolve the torso to face P2 and extends right arm to the sky to meet P2’s hand. This shoe takes you from the office to the trails, FitnessDo This Strength and Stretching Workout For Better Sleep, Fitness10 Hiking Equipment & Essentials You Can Buy in Singapore, FitnessThe 10 Best Exercises for Weight Loss. Have your partner lay prone on the floor, and stand straddling her. Slide your outside arm underneath your inside arm with your palm facing up. We hope it brings you a stronger and more flexible body, a deeper connection with your partner, and a whole lot of fun.