} } color: #ffffff; (1) OTS is defined as a prolonged decline in sports performance (usually greater than 2 months) with many associated psychologic and physiologic symptoms that will be described in more detail below. The underlying mechanisms are still up for debate, but there is one theory (known as the “cytokine tissue-trauma” hypothesis).

Overtraining can also lead you to re-aggravate old injuries.

background-color: #333333; padding: 0; The overtraining syndrome in athletes: A stress-related disorder. color: #ffffff; } }

Exercise is all about balancing damage with recovery. Because there is a psychological component to Overtraining Syndrome, psychiatric treatment, with either talk therapy or medications (especially the selective seratonin reputake inhibitors), may facilitate recovery. color: #FFFFFF; display: block; footer .footer-wrapper .footerWhatsGood a:hover span { footer.footer { .footer-wrapper a:focus, width: 100%; .footer--connect-social a.socialIcon--pintrest svg{

margin-left: 4px; .footer-wrapper li { A few examples of other conditions that when left untreated can impact performance include thyroid abnormalities, anemia, malnutrition such as from eating disorders or RED-S, iron deficiency, undiagnosed asthma, infections, cardiovascular disease, and certain mental health disorders. A sports dietitian may also be helpful in those who may have struggled with fueling adequately for their sport. .footer--social-warpper { March 5, 2020 width: 20px; J Endocrinol Invest. This should include information about … border-bottom: 1px solid #444; .footer-link-wrapper .link-header-accordion.active:after { text-decoration: none;

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margin: 0;

(2), There are no reliable markers (blood or otherwise) for the diagnosis of OTS at this time.

Preventing Future Overtraining Keep a workout diary to track your training. .footer-link-wrapper .link-header-accordion::after {


.footer .footer-wrapper .link-header-accordion, } font-family: "Lato", sans-serif; vertical-align: middle; Recovery is an essential part of any training program. They say that your training could be fine, but there could be errors you’re making in recovery that affect your progression. } Recovery is a process.

margin-right: 49px;

Recovering from overtraining can take anywhere from a few days to a few months, depending on how much recovery time your body needs. People in this state may wake up tired, notice a loss of appetite, and experience. } @media screen and (min-width: 1024px) and (max-width: 1212px) { } This means checking your heart rate first thing in the morning (, Feel tired and moody no matter how much sleep you get? border-bottom: 2px solid #333; display: flex;

footer .footer-wrapper .footer--wellness-council { UpToDate. .footer--flex-container { color: #444; padding-top: 2px; If you’re facing joint pains but you’ve made no changes in your workout schedule for 8-10 weeks, it can be because of overtraining. Posted on August 31, 2020September 28, 2020. 2004;27(6):603-12. padding-top: 7px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 8px 1px #bf0923; Doing so allows you to keep track of the workouts you did and how you felt doing them. margin-bottom: 25px Some important keys to prevention of OTS that have been identified thus far include: periodization of training, ensuring adequate calories and carbohydrate ingestion for training load, ensuring adequate hydration and sleep, adjusting training volume based on performance and mood, being aware of and addressing emotional stress (personal, job, etc. .footer .footer--copyright-section .copyright { transition: max-height 0.2s ease-out; padding: 0px 16px; There is a portion of the fitness community that actually believe overtraining doesn’t even exist. outline-offset: -4px; .social-icon-wrapper { vshoppe-email-subscription .footer--signup-redesign .footer-email-singup span.emailSubscriptionFooter input#footer-signup-email:focus,vshoppe-email-subscription .footer--signup-redesign .footer-email-singup span.emailSubscriptionFooter input#footer-signup-submit:focus{ (1) Periodization is one way to optimize performance while reducing risk of overtraining. font-size: 2rem; Determining how overtrained you are can only be answered by the amount of time it takes you to recover. outline: none; Recovery involves not only physical recovery such as days off from training, but also good hydration, nutrition, sleep, and mental recovery. .footer-wrapper ul li:first-child { .link-header-accordion { color: transparent; } It boosts the immune system, helps the body absorb iron and form collagen, and it helps maintain cartilage, bones, and teeth. This includes addressing any emotional stressors or mental health concerns as well as getting good sleep and nutrition. font-weight: bolder; .footer-wrapper .footer--flex-container .hide-footer-list-wrapper{ .footer--awards-wrapper>div a:hover, width: 100%; } } .link-header-desktop { } 4. text-align: left; Functional overreaching (FOR) is defined as a short-term (no more than 2 weeks) decline in athletic performance due to increased training.

text-decoration: none; outline: none;

position: relative;


outline: none; flex: 1; “The overwhelming majority of people training for fitness won’t ever reach a state of overtraining because they don’t train hard enough,” says, Usually, the effects of overtraining are more obvious on the lifestyle side of things, he adds. by Jennifer Gaudiani. } }

} .footer--whats-good { .footer--call-wrapper { (2) In non-functional overreaching (NFOR) intense training leads to a longer performance decrement (weeks to months), but full performance recovery occurs after sufficient rest. .footer-wrapper ul li:last-child { 2012. Once symptoms improve, though, don’t try to pick up right where you left off in your training. This then leads to immune system depression, sickness, loss of appetite, lethargy, and depression, according to a. This practice of high intensity cycles followed by lower intensity cycles is called periodization. text-transform: uppercase; .footer .footer-copyright-disclaimer p { width: 18px; font-size: 1.4rem; font-size: 1.2rem !important; outline: 1px dashed #FFFFFF; } .footer--awards-wrapper>div a:focus { In simple terms, it’s like digging a hole and then trying to fill that hole back in with insufficient soil. .footer--call-wrapper a { color: #ffffff;