Then verses 8-10 simply amplify and confirm the statements of verses 6-7. we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God,
trying to be justified" = "dikaiousthe" = lit., "are
which took place at the same time as some other event in the context. The wrath of God will be poured out on unrighteous people because of their failure to trust in Christ (John 3:36; Rom.
—Paul R Van Gorder (Ibid). This verse literally reads “and this not out from you as a source, of God (it is) the gift.”.
DURATIVE OR PROGRESSIVE IMPERFECT. 14:10-12; 1 Cor. not satisfied with showing the existence of finished results in present
This is confirmed in the present context in Ephesians, for following the above statement Paul reinforces the idea that this salvation was not by means of any kind of works done by humans but solely by faith." this has certainly not been the case with so many reliable
continuous to the extent that when it has begun, it is unceasing; but it
(Jesus Christ) with His righteousness and life, an act that occurs at the
The words kai touto ouk ex humon theou to doron are literally “and this is not of yourselves, of God is the gift.” In conclusion, the “gift” is that which is outside of ourselves and is to be received.
11:17 "The one who had received the promise was going to sacrifice
In the case of God it was an enemy, the sinner, bitter in his hatred of God, for whom the favor was done. 4. Grace must be free or else it is not grace at all. ", 4)
2:11). When missionary John Paton was translating the Scripture for the South Sea islanders, he was unable to find a word in their vocabulary for the concept of believing, trusting, or having faith. custom or practice is widespread and/or extends over a comparatively long
But, as Scripture makes abundantly clear, each is in turn the result of the ministry of the Spirit of God and the Word of God in the heart and life of believers. Verse 8 explains how they became an example: The word of the Lord effectively echoed forth throughout the region as an expression and product of their faith. The NIV even translates it similarly. R [stands] for Redemption, the purpose of grace. translations have proven to be extremely reliable. The lives of preachers and teachers of the Word are important as chapter 2 makes so very clear, but above all, what we do with the gospel and how we handle it is an issue of utmost importance. We must remember that faith in the Savior is the product of a biblical understanding of the person and work of Christ as God’s complete solution for our sin and need. Their witness echoed throughout the surrounding regions. will corroborate and clarify this: [From:
(3) He is the one “whom He raised from the dead.” This marks out this person as the resurrected One and thus the basis for a living hope (1 Pet. Notice
is rendered from "agorazei", present, active, indicative as are "goes",
Not as a result of works - D L Moody once said that "The thief had nails through both hands, so that he could not work; and a nail through each foot, so that he could not run errands for the Lord; he could not lift a hand or a foot toward his salvation, and yet Christ offered him the gift of God; and he took it. Though not perfect, it gives us a pattern for what churches ought to be both in spiritual growth and ministry. He gave the Lord all the glory, saying nothing about any of his own merits or what he had done to deserve the blessings of redemption. no longer requiring further time to elapse, although it may actually have
New Testament Greek, verb tenses generally denote the kind
(Wuest, Kenneth - The Practical Use of the Greek New Testament - Part II: The Eloquence of Greek Tenses and Moods - Bibliotheca Sacra: Volume 117. Jacob gave a present to his brother Esau (Gen. 32:13). reader.
By grace are ye saved through the instrumentality of faith.
David would not make an offering to the Lord that cost him nothing (2 Sam.
Rom. A number of results were evident. Present continues— come+ing with Is/Am/Are.
1 Thessalonians: An Exegetical and Devotional Commentary. Remarkable! not continue in order to keep the result of never perishing and possession
Yet in order to emphasize unceasing activity the
Boasting is appropriate when the purpose is to acknowledge the greatness and glory of God and His salvation and even of our tribulations which the Master Architect is able to weave together for our good and His glory! Faith is manifest by not believing in spite of evidence but by obeying in spite of the consequences. (4) The basic order or process is: (a) Leaders are to imitate Christ (1 Cor. The connection of the adverb with prayer elsewhere in Paul (especially Rom 1:9; cf. into the text in order to convey the idea of continuous believing in order
Grace is mentioned first in the Greek for emphasis. If the custom or practice is local in nature and/or is
'to seek' conjugation - English verbs conjugated in all tenses with the verb conjugator. accurately available to those who are fluent in the ancient, archaic koine
perishing in the water as yet, i.e., continuous action is not in view
The report declared the drastic change of life (turning to God from idols they began to serve … ). Factors such as context, specific verb forms and modifiers like
were completed in past time with continuing results. In
As we follow the Spirit's guidance through one experience after another, we become more and more like the masterpiece we will be someday in Glory. “Receive” is dechomai, which means “to readily receive information and to regard it as true—‘to receive readily, to accept, to believe.’”21 They readily received and believed the message, literally, “the word,” not the written Word of the New Testament, which was not yet in existence, but the gospel message which undoubtedly included the fundamentals of doctrine so vital to Christian growth and maturity. saved, participle, perfect tense passive voice. Greek, James A Brooks, Carlton L. Winbery, 1979, University Press, Lanham,
2. What a powerful lesson there is here.
Finally the emperor became so exasperated that he went to the artist's home to demand an explanation. “Here comes my grandson,” exclaimed the old man. 3:20-21), being taken to a new home prepared for us as His bride (John 14:1-6), and it will mean the Bema or judgment seat of Christ, a place where He will reward us according to our faithfulness (Rom. Perhaps Paul intended a blending of both ideas. Self-inflicted torture is completely foreign to everything the Bible teaches about salvation. 'present' tense, though it more frequently denotes linear action. Even now there should be deep within us a longing for our true home which the Lord is preparing for us (John 14:1f.). Also corresponding to it is the older form dorema (present) and dorea (a present or gift). Because they had received the ministry and teaching of the missionaries, they turned to God from idols and this resulted in a dynamic effect—they began to serve God and wait up for His Son from heaven. eternal life by the Holy Spirit's choice of verb forms and furthermore
Furthermore, the additional
(Grudem, W: Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine. Understanding Christian Theology. Does it go with the preceding clause, “making mention” or with the clause that follows, “remembering”? It is not produced by man nor earned by him. The occasion for giving thanks was their remembrance of the life-changing character that had occurred in these believers. (“For no human being will be justified in his sight by works of the law,” Ro 3:20-note). ", 1
The verb here is epistrepho, “to turn, return” and was used of a change of mind or course of action. So it means “endurance, patience, fortitude, steadfastness, perseverance.” But it was not just an endurance of resignation, but one stimulated by hope. It is the grace (chariti), too, not the explanatory faith (pisteos) that has the first place in Paul's thoughts here" (Ephesians 2:8-10 Commentary - Expositor's Greek Testament), Augustine put the meaning of man's need to express faith this way…, “He who created you without you will not save you without you.”, Comment: Dr Johnson explains that "what he meant in the context was that our part in salvation, which is not to be confused by being made of works, is simply to receive the salvation by faith.