Maxwell's equations predicted an infinite number of frequencies of electromagnetic waves, all traveling at the speed of light. What is a health hazard? All values are maximum levels of public exposure – your own exposure is likely to be much lower. Short wavelength UV and the shorter wavelength radiation above it (X-rays and gamma rays) are called ionizing radiation, and exposure to them can damage living tissue, making them a health hazard. As many countries from the former Soviet Union are now considering new standards, the WHO has recently launched an initiative to harmonize exposure guidelines worldwide. carry information. The behavior of EM radiation depends on its wavelength. "There is no convincing evidence for an adverse health effect of electromagnetic fields" or "A cause-effect link between electromagnetic fields and cancer has not been confirmed" are typical of the conclusions that have been reached by expert committees that have examined the issue. In virtually all ordinary environments, the levels of induced currents inside the body are too small to produce obvious effects. The electricity that comes out of every power socket has associated low frequency electromagnetic fields. But, of course, the body does not possess adequate compensation mechanisms for all biological effects. An important point to make is that a guideline limit is not a precise delineation between safety and hazard. Generally, electromagnetic radiation is classified by wavelength into radio wave, microwave, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays. One of the main characteristics which defines an electromagnetic field (EMF) is its frequency or its corresponding wavelength. However, X-ray telescopes must be placed outside the Earth's atmosphere to see astronomical X-rays, since the great depth of the atmosphere of Earth is opaque to X-rays (with areal density of 1000 g/cm2), equivalent to 10 meters thickness of water. Mobile phones allow people to be within reach at all times. The gliomas were more often found on the same side of the head that people used to speak on the phone. But while most don’t believe EMFs are dangerous, there are still some scientists who question exposure. Guidelines indicate that, below a given threshold, electromagnetic field exposure is safe according to scientific knowledge. Other studies show that negative thoughts lower our frequency on average 12 Hz. Another man drank the coffee and his frequency dropped from 66 Hz to 52 Hz. However, some gaps in knowledge about biological effects exist and need further research. At a distance of 30 electrical appliances, as well as in specialized equipment such as magnetic resonance scanners used for medical imaging.Typical electric field strengths measured near household appliances(at a distance of 30 cm)(From: Federal Office for Radiation Safety, Germany 1999). An analysis of the balance between cost and potential hazards is essential. No obvious adverse effect of exposure to low level radiofrequency fields has been discovered. desktop units do not give rise to significant electric and magnetic fields. The long-term health effects of mobile telephone use is another topic of much current research. The infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum covers the range from roughly 300 GHz to 400 THz (1 mm – 750 nm). Guidelines must be conservative: ICNIRP always assumes maximum coupling of the field to the exposed individual. Radiation of each frequency and wavelength (or in each band) has a mix of properties of the two regions of the spectrum that bound it. The levels of transmissions from any particular base station are variable and depend on the number of calls and the callers' All of them were equipped with personal dosimeters for 24 hours.