The HSE issues circular on Pregnancy Related Sick Leave. We would also like to set optional cookies (analytical, functional and YouTube) to enhance and improve our service.
On 1 Januaryshe commenced sick leave due to pregnancy-related illness.
Revised Arrangements Pregnancy Related Sick Leave. INMO Executive Council To Review Developments In The Nursing And Midwifery Board Of Ireland (NMBI). 183 days for non-pregnancy related sick leave. 2. PHIL Ni SHEAGHDHA The minimum entitlement for a pregnant employee is for 26 consecutive weeks of leave. When counted with other non-pregnancy related sick leave in the previous four years. Is mise HSE Memo concerning legal assistance on the removal and step down of patients, Campaign for the Restoration of Incremental Credit for Graduates from 2011 through to 2015, Community Care re-structuring - Meetings September 2016. The number of additional days allowed will be the equivalent number of days taken on pregnancy related sick leave in the four years and must not exceed normal sick leave limits, e.g. (A HSE employee who is pregnant and suffering a pregnancy related illness could at present find themselves cut off pay altogether depending on exhausting their sick leave entitlement over the previous one year or over a four year period)The circular also changes the criteria for sick leave entitlement post pregnancy when following maternity leave, where an employee is unfit for work due to ill health her entitlement to sick pay at half pay will be extended by the period of absence due to pregnancy related illness which occurred prior to her maternity leave provided she has not benefitted from pregnancy related sick leave during pregnancy.The changes introduced by this circular relate only to pregnancy related sick leave and the circular stresses that not all illness during pregnancy is necessarily pregnancy related. HSELive general health service information line is open 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday, HSELive Coronavirus Helpline is open 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 9am - 5pm Saturday and Sunday, Quality Assurance and Verification Division, Your Personal Information - You and Your Health Service, Social Inclusion, Asylum Seekers, Travellers, The Nurture Programme - Infant Health & Wellbeing, Spotlight: Workplace Health and Wellbeing Unit, Strategic Workforce Planning & Intelligence, Stress Management European Safety & Health at Work, Healthy Workplaces for all Ages, European Safety and Health at Work, National Healthcare Communication Programme, Clinical Strategy and Programmes Division, FOI Disclosure log and other information that we publish. Ms Martina Harkin-Kelly, Elected 2nd Vice-President. PSYCHIATRIC NURSES ASSOCIATION of Ireland Tel: 045 852300 Email: By clicking “Accept All Cookies” you can agree to the use of all cookies.
29.07.11, Writing a Statement / Advice for INMO Members 2011.
Dear Colleagues,
Student nurse/midwife pay for 36 weeks and restoration of incremental credit for this period. It is now intended that the regulations will be amended to include these two provisions and they will be effective from the commencement of the current scheme, i.e. 01.02.16. Payment date extended end of January 2020, Motions & Executive Council Elections 2018, Student/New Graduate Officer, Pay & Staff Shortages, Panto Time. Click on this link to see circular in full:, The Psychiatric Nurses Association (PNA)…, Wednesday 19th February : The Psychiatric…, Copyright © Psychiatric Nurses Association of Ireland - Web Design by,, Best Practice in the Screening/Monitoring of Individuals for Metabolic Syndrome, Factors Related to Chronic Disease, Mental Health and Diabetes, Physical Health Screening for People with Mental Illness - What is it, How it Can Help and How it Can Be Implemented, BUDGET ALLOCATION FOR MENTAL HEALTH TOTALLY INADEQUATE TO FUND MENTAL HEALTH STRATEGY AND MEET GROWING DEMAND FOR SERVICES, CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - 40th ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL NURSING & MIDWIFERY RESEARCH AND EDUCATION VIRTUAL CONFERENCE, UNACCEPTABLE THAT NATIONAL AMBULANCE SERVICE WAS AWARE OF LOOMING PAYROLL PROBLEMS FOR EMTs WEEKS AGO BUT TOOK NO ACTION, PNA SAYS IMPLEMENTATION AND POLITICAL WILL KEY TO SUCCESS OF NEW ‘SHARING THE VISION’ MENTAL HEALTH POLICY, MENTAL HEALTH COMMISSION REPORT SHOWS CONSEQUENCES OF LACK OF INVESTMENT IN MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES AND FAILURES IN IMPLEMENTATION OF VISION FOR CHANGE STRATEGY, Online Privacy Statement and Cookie Policy. Current Issues - News Update No 6. For questions about health services, your entitlements, or how to access HSE health or social services in your area? We use strictly necessary cookies to make our site work. Coronavirus guidance documents are available on, HR Circular 019/2015 New Pregnancy-Related Sick Leave Provisions.pdf (size 391.3 KB), HR Circular 019/2015 - Guidance for HR Practitioners.docx (size 40.4 KB), Can't find what you're looking for? Pregnancy related sick leave (HSE HR Circular 25/2008 )The HSE has changed its policy with regard to female employees who are medically certified as unfit to work due to a pregnancy related illness by circular of the 11th November ’08. 30.04.15, Attn: Members working working in the Community and Community Hospitals (all grades), INMO Position Statement - Delegation. INMO Education and Event Centre - Richmond Building - Refurbishment Works to Begin. 1. Thanking you for your attention to this note,
Pregnant and on sick leave from work If you are on sick leave from work and getting Illness Benefit immediately before you are due to start your maternity leave, you will be paid Maternity Benefit in the normal way if you satisfy the social insurance contributions.
As you are aware a number of issues are being contested in respect of the changes to the sick leave regulations.
Moving forward, salary will not drop below half pay prior to going on maternity leave. HR Circular 019/2015 New Pregnancy-Related Sick Leave Provisions.pdf (size 391.3 KB) HR Circular 019/2015 - Guidance for HR Practitioners.docx (size 40.4 KB) HR Circulars Cervical Check - Information for INMO Members. 183 days for non-pregnancy related sick leave. ... ICTU Re-elect INMO to incoming 2015-2017 Executive Council, Removal from the Register of Nurses and Midwives for Non-payment of the Annual Retention Fee. Consultation document: Quality Integration and Collaboration: A Strategy for Community Nursing, Attn Student Members - Pay for Qualified Nurses & Midwives Awaiting Registration. NMBI - Payment Of 2017 Annual Retention Fee. Important Information Re Removal From NMBI Register For Non Payment Of Retention Fee. Moving forward, salary will not drop below half pay prior to going on maternity leave. Transitional Arrangements
Interim Report and Recommendations by the Taskforce on Staffing and Skill Mix fo... Ms. Essene Cassidy, was elected President of NMBI, Joint INMO, SIPTU and PNA Statement to Student Nurse/Midwife Members.
INMO makes presentation to all-party Oireachtas Committee on the Good Friday Agreement. Outlined below is a summary of its contents and a link to the full text.
When counted with other non-pregnancy related sick leave in the previous four years. I am happy to advise that the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform have, following representation from the public service trade unions, agreed to alter the original approach to pregnancy related sick leave.
Call us on 1850 444 925. Jan '15, A & E Overcrowding Protest on 14th Jan '15, Disclaimer Forms - Safe Practice.
31 March 2014, for the majority of public servants and 01 September 2014 for the education sector. The changes are as follows: - All pregnancy related sick leave that occurred before the introduction of the new public service sick leave scheme will be discounted for the purpose of calculating access to paid sick leave under the current scheme. The number of additional days allowed will be the equivalent number of days taken on pregnancy related sick leave in the four years and must not exceed normal sick leave limits, e.g. (i) An employee who is absent for a pregnancy related illness will receive a minimum of half pay during the pregnancy related illness, regardless of whether she has exhausted her ordinary entitlement to paid sick leave.
Lansdowne Road Agreement, ED Overcrowding, RNID Section - Campaign for Excellenc... Flat-Rate Expense Allowances For Nurses And Midwives, Review Of Public Service Sick Leave Scheme - Proposed Changes, Report of the Public Service Pay Commission August-2018, Special Delegate Conference 26th Sept 2018, INMO secures correction of census count for Nursing and Midwifery, Leave and Recognition 2018 Effects of Storm Emma and Storm Ophelia. One of these issues is in respect of the treatment of Pregnancy Related illnesses. You can take this time off work from full-time, casual or part-time employment, no matter how long you have been working for your employer.
If any INMO member seeks further information in respect of this, please contact your local Industrial Relations Officer who will advise. HSE confirms Time plus One-Sixth Premium Payment.
Information for health care workers is available on
02.04.15, Launch of Revised INMO Statement of Concern Form. Public Service Stability Agreement Section 39, Temporary Reassignment Of Industrial Relations Officers, INMO Pre-Budget Submission for Budget 2018 29.09.17, Staffing and Skill Mix Taskforce Consultation, Re-Instatement of Time and One Sixth for Hours Worked between 6-8 pm 18.07.17, Election to the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI), Pre-Retirement Initiative for Nurses / Midwives, INMO Appoints General Secretary Designate.
The social insurance contributions for Maternity Benefit and Illness Benefit are not the same. Director of Industrial Relations. A woman who has exhausted her access to paid sick leave, due to pregnancy related sick leave in the previous four years, may have access to additional non-pregnancy related sick leave at half rate of pay. You can opt-out of these cookies. Her sick leave record is as follows: 93 days sick leave taken to 31 December January 31 February 28 March 31 Total183 Therefore the officer will go on half-pay on 1 April to 31 May (a total of61 days)and will be placed back on full pay for the period of maternity leave. This means that a female employee will not be taken off pay while on pregnancy related sick leave.
Pregnancy related sick leave (HSE HR Circular 25/2008 ) The HSE has changed its policy with regard to female employees who are medically certified as unfit to work due to a pregnancy related illness by circular of the 11th November ’08.
Application of the Injury at Work Grant in HSE and voluntary services. The employee must inform her employer in writing of the intention to take leave (section 9 of Maternity Protection Act 1994) and must have a medical certificate confirming the expected date of “confinement”.