8. CLAUSE: ? . 330 0 CHAPTER 15 STUDENT A: (1) Make up five to ten questions to ask a classmate, friend, roommate, etc. ACTIVE PASSIVE The mouse ate the cheese. 8. . She ought to talk to her boss about leaving work early today. I know many responsible people. He likes soccer. (may be) grown . . . 3. 3. 7. didn't accept 7. took found . 8. Expected answers: 1. swept 2. flew 3. caughtlheldltook 4. taught 5. froze 6. felt 7. drewlgotlmade 8. heard 9. fell . I don't like to work hard, but my sister does. 0 PRACTICE 9--GUIDED SI'UDY: Reported speech: pronoun usage and sequence of tenses. B: I don't know help. There are approximately 250,000 different kind of flower in the world. Rebecca had a rat as a pet when she was ten. . . I don't understand why (you, want) shopping every week. A: Gee, thanks. (. Long sentence: Short sentence I: The people whom I saw at the park were having a picnic. Where did you find it? What do you want to know? . (be w&d that, be sure that) Did you really fail your chemistry course? 10. b. 4. Jack that I had a message. I haven't finished my composition yet. I studied the prices carefully before I decided what to buy. him 2. yourselves 3. itself 4. its . classes Houseflies . C. which D. that E. 0 3. " I . . B. to hurt for another job. . . A: I need to know in your office later today. . I think that dinosaurs (weighedldidn't weigh) more than elephants. B. a lot C. much 2. 7. B: Of course! . (Chart 5-2) Directions: Complete the sentences with COULD or COULDN'T and your own words. 202 0 CHAPTER 10 about it sometime soon and make a 0 PRACTICE &SELFSTUDY: Uncompleted infinitives. 5. 23. stick a stamp on the corner of the envelope. One is . Look at this sentence: Jack lives in Miami. A: Does Erica like her new car? . 244 0 CHAPTER 1 7 about this incident. Everything is beautiful and all white. 6 0 0 CHAPTER 3 Pat, Andy, Debbie, Nora, Jack, and Kate. (Charts 9-1 -+ 9-3) Directions: Write in the correct completion. Food is a necessity for all living thing. The students yho no to this schnna are friendly. . How about you? . in bed and Gerunds and lnf7nltlves 0 207 0 PRACTICE 14-SELFSTUDY: Using with. morel-er, 280-281 M m l - e r . I never in other people's quarrels. Can Heidi remember how to get back to town? 0 PRACTICE 6, p. 151. -+ It rains there in the summer. A: I'll lend you my bike if I (need, not) it tomorrow. . . 3. 2. + Ann 4. 12. But an orange is not the same a grapefruit. Past Time 0 39 1 3 CHAPTER Future Time I 0 PRACTICE I-SELFSTUDY: Present, past, and future. not nearly as interesting as . + Dr. Aqua said to his patient . 15. 2. I wonder how (they, stayl up in the air. She knows a lot about cameras. (You can carry this suitcase to help me.) 18. 3. 4. Mr. Garcia asked me. . 6. I still . 2. 3. 4. "I (be) the unluckiest . 10. File Size : 32.96 MB v S 4. 0 PRACTICE 23, p. 189. the radio! 3. Amanda didn't need to study the multiplication tables in fifth grade. I'll call you when I get an answer from the bank about the loan. I can't speak Italian. . 9. DOUBLE THE SIMPLE CONSONANT? 5. B: You've got to be kidding! B: Please. some cookies . University students study hard. . two hours has Kathy been working at the computer has been working . Marilyn has a cold. A: Ouch! 9. 5. . . B: Really? 66 0 CHAPTER 4 century, when steel pen were invented. What is one of them? B. to listen in front of other people. 9. 9. . and we saw was frozen. 18. I don't need a new bike this year However, if1 (need) needed W O U I ~ / W U6uy ~~ a new bike, I (buy) one. We use them for clothing. A: Dinner's ready. The bank be open today. Sorry. B: Around 7:30. . Well, once a week is enough for me. 0 PRACTICE 14-GUIDED STUDY What + a form of do. . A: She had stopped at the store to pick some groceries. are 3. woman . 23. p at ing ... bite ing . Download : 505 ate have already bought . A: Do you have B: I in your ? B: Why? A: Where were Ann and Rob when you got back from your trip? They 9. A: Okay, I guess. I don't have any plans for my future. What do you have in your pocket? Example: have (a particular kind of watch) Written: I've had my Seiko quartz watch for two years. 2. . (would rather) ~esponse:'My son would rather eat/have fuh than bee5 1. 1. the easier 36 0 ANSWER KEV Chapter 13 1. the laziest in 2. the most nervous of 3. the most beautiful . 6. A: Anna wants to look at your grammar book. I (eat) meat, but now I eat only meatless meals. When I (show) (13) up when I (get) (14) my grade report to my parents, they ( r e k e ) (15) me with my living expenses at school anymore. Taxes are collected by the government. to A The boss wants to know why (David, leave) the oftice early yesterday. -0.. . I'm not happy in my work. live 5. cousin. I want to know my dictionary off my desk. study did . 2. 0 PRACTICE 27--GUIDED STUDY: Gerunds vs. infinitives. 17. 10 0 CHAPTER I 0 PRACTICE 15-SELFSTUDY Simple present and present progressive.