The concept of nutrition transition is to change the dietary patterns of populations.

The intensity and severity of these manifestations are directly related to the quantity and type of microorganism or toxin accidentally ingested [54]. However, for individuals at highest risk, such as children, pregnant women, elderly, malnourished and/or immunocompromised patients, the clinical manifestations may be more severe and prolonged, progressing to bloody diarrhea, acute renal failure, bacteremia, sepsis and even death [64].

Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes, enteropathogenic, Escherichia coli) [9, 66, 70, 80]. Regulatory agencies have established temperatures for food preservation, i.e., fruit and vegetables at 50°F (10°C); cold and dairy products at 46.4°F (8°C); pork and poultry meat at 39.2°F (4°C); fish at 35.6°F (2°C) [38]. Figure 1: Flow chart showing the selection of studies. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. In addition, street foods contribute to the diet of many people worldwide. The world was not introduced to this food until the WWI, when the locals fed it to American soldiers who were stationed in Belgium. Typically, street food is a form of meal made on the street and in clear public places – it’s cheaper than restaurant and fast food, and is usually sold on the go. The thought of trying unfamiliar food can be intimidating. In the majority of studies was demonstrated that street foods contributed significantly to the diet of children and adults in developing countries, both in terms of the variety of food groups consumed and in terms of energy, protein and micronutrient intakes [4, 18, 54, 56, 92]. Due to the inability to buy food, some Haitians add butter, salt and, eventually, vegetables to the yellow mud and place the cookies to dry in the sun, on the ground, in large areas uncovered. The top countries include Norway (the first place), the United States, and the United Kingdom. It’s time to take the trip around the world and discover the most interesting facts about street food that seems so familiar but can really surprise you. In healthy adults, the evolution of foodborne diseases usually is self-limiting, not causing complications that are more serious. 10 – Jollibee The Fast Food Chain You Cannot Miss. The number of Mexican restaurants serving taco and taco trucks around the country increases every day, and it seems that this iconic food will be popular for a long time. History of Street Food and Interesting Facts. More specifically, this paper will analyze the characteristics of street foods with emphasis placed upon food security and nutrition, food safety, risk of foodborne diseases, overweightness and obesity, as well as other chronic non-communicable diseases. In accordance with these considerations in a study realized in one developed country (Portugal), it was demonstrated that readyto- eat street foods from vending trailers are potential vehicles of clinically relevant Listeria monocytogenes serotypes and Escherichia coli [77]. “And the main ingredient has nothing to do with it.”. Street foods; Food security and nutrition; Food safety; Foodborne diseases; Chronic non-communicable diseases. Street foods are convenient, cheap, easily accessible and a source of income to many poor people who would otherwise not find employment. Fact #4: The United States is going Crazy over Tacos. Thanks to these tasty ingredients, the global trend of this fast food spread fast and everywhere in the world. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. For dessert, try banana q, which is a skewered deep-fried sweet plantain coated in caramelized brown sugar.

The Codex Alimentarius has as its main objectives to protect consumer health by ensuring food security, promotion of a healthy food and reducing the risk of chronic non-communicable diseases, and to ensure adequate practices in food preparation through the development of food standards, guidelines, codes of conduct and other recommendations [12].

Despite the fact that street foods have been sold for numerous decades and provide a source of income to many families, there is a dearth of data regarding the contribution of street foods to the nutritional value of the diet [56, 90, 91].

Although a greater number of studies should be developed, it is possible to infer that street foods could be identified as a problem of nutrition security, contributing to the development of foodborne diseases and chronic non-communicable diseases, especially among high street food consumers who consume foods of this type more often. The concept of the food security involves primarily the physical determinants of the food flow, i.e., the availability, accessibility, and utilization of appropriate foods by individuals of a population. Unchecked toxicants and various situations of exposure to pollutants may be highly relevant to the health of future generations’ in developing countries [85]. In a study performed in Palermo, Italy, an investigation of consumers of street foods (n=687) and conventional restaurant food consumers (n=315) was made. 2016, 2:7. doi: 10.4172/2472-1921.100014. Among the mobile traders are the food vendors, which play an important role for a variety of groups [20]. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. In particular, the UK. Despite this wide variety of etiologic agents, the Salmonella spp. In fact, the nutrition security of street foods has been one of the major concerns for public health, since the potential for no safety or no sanitary handling food by mobile food vendors is common [9, 75]. The nickname survived, and even now, the people from all over the world give credit to the wrong country for this delicious street food. You can’t help but notice the jovial Jollibee mascot at literally every corner of the streets. Selected for this search were the filters tuned to only full text, English language, and research carried out with human subjects. Hamburgers were named after the German city of Hamburg, which is a major port city and an important tourist destination with lots of attractions. Street foods can induce serious health problems, particularly for the inappropriate chemical composition, exemplified by high levels of carbohydrates and fats, including saturated fats [56]. These questions may be associated with the option to the use of cheaper raw materials, but of dubious quality, both in terms of hygiene and health, as well as in relation to the nutritional composition [23, 40, 58]. Since the points of sale of the mobile vendors that sell foods in the streets usually do not have the same facilities available in formal shops, street foods are included among those factors responsible for foodborne diseases [10]. In addition, is also possible to interpret that the FAO data are underestimated, since the consumption of street foods is not a practice of compulsory notification. French fries are delicious and millions of people around the world enjoy them every day (in fact, there are 12 different iterations of them!). Indeed, toxicological hazards may be somewhat overlooked in developing countries, since they rarely cause acute clinical illness. But as authentic an experience as these places give you, they aren't for everyone. In contrast, in a study developed in Nigeria using an observational checklist was showed that food vendors had good food handling practices and which street food vending sites were sanitary [79]. If you know something interesting about your favorite street food, let us know in the comments. The prevalence of other chronic non-communicable diseases, including hypertension and type 2 diabetes, and the use of medications did not differ between street foods and conventional restaurant food consumers [95]. Plus, it’s everywhere right now, so it’s easy to taste street food recipes from different parts of the world in large cities.