I have to be honest, I was never happy with the original cover of Flags and Honor. Swearing once more he brought his VK-2 about again and set a flight path that would pass directly over the position of the Ottomans whose fire he’d drawn. For a moment his heart jumped. Between “Reaping the Whirlwind” and “Barbarossa” (a WW2 alternate history) I’ve got my Alternate History niche well covered. Flags & Honor is selling well! As promised here is a list of all the POV characters in my upcoming novel “Flags and Honor.” Let me say that, yes, I know its a lot of characters, and yes I know some people don’t like books with this many characters. If not….
It wasn’t much. Down below artillery boomed like thunder as the Russian army shelled the city of Silistra and its surrounding defenses. “War has changed a lot since then, George.”, “Men are still men.
“She’s a frigate.” The Yankee ship continued its turn. If we play this right, we may get two kills today instead of one.
Those races and ships became the basis for the aliens in Starstorm. Tomorrow we hit the road for home. Through the periscope, Ramsey watched it speed away from the Alexander leaving a long bubbly trail in its wake. His first posting as an officer had been to the far east in Siberia.
I read my first “How to write a Novel” book when I was in the eighth grade. He then kissed his hand and applied it to the black and white photograph of his wife.
The Alexander was forty feet beneath the surface of the water, but if an enemy shell landed right on top of them, it might well send them to the bottom. I’m taking a break from my primary writing projects, but I’m also taking the opportunity to brainstorm. “Yankee cruiser, looks like. He is also one of Kentucky’s Senators and finds himself opposing the hawkish policies of US President Joseph Foraker.
And that’s exactly what she was doing. I’m editing as I go and when I finish I want to give it one last thorough edit before I release it. Its not finished but this is roughly what it will look like. Immediately beside it stood a tiny guard cabin that housed a field telephone. Ted had been in the US army doing occupation duty in Germany after World War 2. About a dozen yards further north, was an almost identical installation except that its flag pole flew the Stars and Stripes and its sentry wore US Drab and Khaki instead of Confederate Field Gray. The judges hadn’t bought it.
In a world far different from our own, the great nations of America and Europe are divided into two great alliance systemsâ the âContinental Ententeâ led by the French Empire and the Confederate States of America, and the âGrand Allianc... North Americaâ1895: In a world far different from our own, the various nations of North America and Europe are racing headlong towards disaster. He retrieved the log book from the small shelf under his bunk and then turned and sat on the small table on the opposite side of the corridor. In response Hindenburg declares martial law and orders the German Army to restore order. And George can’t wait for it to start. He actually stayed in the SS baracks where a lot of the events of the night of the long knives took place and asked if I’d do a book on it. After being routed in two major engagements in the outer Solar System, veteran ace Lieutenant Jack Thunder and his fellow Star Sword pilots and Sp... North Americaâ1895: Decades after defeating the Union, the Confederate States of America, the last slaveholding nation in the New World, has become a major power in the western hemisphere. While I don’t want to give anything away I would like to let everyone know that Reaping the Whirlwind brings the Spanish-Confederate War to an exciting conclusion. Though he was only twenty-eight years old, Schuyler had already seen his fair share of combat, fighting guerrillas down in the CSA’s Central and South American holdings. Constantinople thought Nesterov with reverence. Updates on other projects. The small table was just large enough for he and Marks to sit and dine together though it made for an extremely crowded meal if they did so. A few yards up the road Schuyler spotted the small border post. They hated each other too much to work together, and neither would act unilaterally for fear of driving the Rodina into the other’s camp, and so…, And so Mother Russia is free to do as she pleases. He’d fired it in the path of the enemy ship as opposed to directly at it. Handsome (Add that to the fact that ladies love a man in uniform and he practically has to beat them away with bats– which creates internal conflict– see below). The Confederates didn’t have a navy anywhere near as large as their northern foe, but however small it was, it was infinitely larger and better equipped than it had been in the 1860s during the War of Confederate Independence and the War of 1869. Tennessee had been a dry state since 1909. She is sinking though.
During the Night of the Long Knives Hitler had many of his own people killed in an effort to solidify his power and his regime. “I’m not sure, Skipper. It is coming soon! A large number of horses, wagons, and trucks were in a field just south of the Danube. Nesterov reflected that Russia had tried this particular gambit sixty-years earlier. I won’t lie I may not make it by Christmas but I will try. Happy new year everyone. Rabid Feminists will not like this book.
He thought he heard the hiss of more bullets passing through the air. In short, I get more done (overall) when I have other projects to fall back on when I get stuck on my primary project. By Force of Arms has also seen a boost since the release of Rebel Empire.
Ramsey’s XO, Lieutenant Andre Marks was in the cramped conning tower with him. When starting a new novel I develop the basic character concepts (writing their info on note cards) and then put the characters at particular conflict points in the alternate history world, start writing and then I see what happens.
It was one of my favorite movies as a child. My chapters are mostly episodic.
At the beginning of each VHS before the movie they had an interview with George Lucas about the film.
He knew that given the right circumstances, Patton might just be crazy enough to prove it. I want all my World War I books to have a common theme. I do my own formatting and design and I create my own book covers. Work is still proceeding steadily. See search results for this author. He and Patrick had each spent hours studying the silhouettes of known enemy ships, but they were far easier to identify from the side than they were from the front or rear. Here’s a preliminary cover proposal for my new novel “Flags and Honor.” Would appreciate feedback from fans. In response Dickinson repudiates a longstanding agreement that had guaranteed the US and Britain access to the new Panama canal which had originally been signed in the late 1890s to avert war. No shells were forthcoming. If they did, the first indication he and his crew might get would be eight inch shells crashing down on their position. I hope everyone enjoys it! Patton would much more have preferred the former. I really want to have it finished and out by Christmas, but I must reiterate it may be sometime in January. Specifically in Foundation there is mention of a “pen knife” that has a force field blade that can cut through anything.
Just think of the recon and intelligence we could get.”, “I didn’t even think of that Sky!” said Patton and let yet another blasphemy roll of his tongue. Structure wise, the novel is basically five interconnected short stories, skillfully combined into a single 60 something thousand word novel.
Jacob Dickinson: The President of the Confederate States of America. He hailed from the northern region of Novgorod.
Bulgaria had declared its independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1908. Like most Russians he was no stranger to the cold. Patton certainly didn’t raise any objection as he accepted the proffered bottle. Young (he’s enthusiastic but inexperienced). The Germany Army, the Reichswehr, had not yet sworn an oath to Hitler. Its essentially the same design as the cover of By Force of Arms accept I swapped the Gatling Gun for a World War I artillery piece and a change of the color scheme..
Unfortunately, longer scenes means more writing time. Nesterov swore profanely. I can’t speak for all my readers but I personally don’t mind long books if that is what it takes to tell the story. The Confederate submarine was at a depth of forty feet.
The eccentricity of his friend and commanding officer sometimes got on his nerves. “We got the powder magazine that time!
There’s lots of ways to come up with characters. Thanks to those fans who have posted positive reviews on Amazon and Goodreads, they are much appreciated and very encouraging. “I’d love to go across the border and get a look at the lay of the land.”, “I don’t think the Yankees would care much for that.”, “It wouldn’t be a problem if we went over in civies.
And the day after thanksgiving I got exceedingly sick with a sore throat and fever. I write all the scenes of a given character at once. Billy Bennett Alternate History and Science Fiction Novels, Wichita, Kansas. It got its first review last night and the person rated it five stars! I’ve always wanted to try my hand at National Write a Novel month (November) accept in my case I’m giving myself October-December. At the forefront of a new era of warfare, he knows that the simple cloth and canvas, propeller driven mono-plane aerial scout that he flies is only the beginning of what lies ahead. That’s why I’m writing these books. The paperback and Nook editions will be out shortly. All I can say is in order to more fully explore this alternate world and tell a story as massive as the one I am telling it is necessary to have a large cast. We’d be fools not to attack here.”, “Well, we’re not going to be able to see much from here.”. That summer I started writing the story that turned into the Starstorm Novels. They’d saved each other’s life on multiple occasions.