Not a burden. Thy are 14 and 16!
Thank You! We do things outside of court and he pays me a little over half of what The court would determine. If you are worried about your safety, take these steps to protect yourself: Talk to family and friends about what is going on so that they can be prepared to help you and your family if the need arises.
The longer the marriage, the longer she will be allowed to maintain that lifestyle. Granted that each state is different but here in California they base the percentage of visitation on over nights.
When you file a motion If you don’t think the step mom’s income should factor in, then why should the step dad (the child’s mother’s partner) be an issue. judge may think that you’re hiding assets. and I’m not saying we barely make a lavish lifestyle I mean we don’t eat out we only buy diapers for my daughter and feed her and some days we barely eat anything. YES a parent should be responsible and pay for their child/ren but it shouldn’t be all about one parent doing it all. I too was a single mom in the eighties and held down two to three jobs supporting my children since I received no child support. The system is flawed in that, even though it would be great if the child could truly enjoy the same standard of living as when his or her parents were married, that’s not feasible.
I have a friend going through the legal separation and his ex is trying to suck every penny out of him. He was ordered to pay $400 a month for medical her kids don’t need and he gets garnished for all of this so instead of making $30 base per hr…he brought home $400 biweekly. You can spend that extra time that would be spent helping with homework, settling sibling disputes, driving to lessons, providing guidance, enforcing discipline, etc, finding ways to be more frugal with your money. That’s right the child is 16 years old and I never seen the mother nor the child.
Take the $1000 a month left over from his salary and put $500 a month into a ROTH IRA for each of you until you hit the maximum for each acct ($5000).
I know he has a responsibility to them and I don’t interfere with their child support and alimony.. to the point I don’t even ask how muc they are getting. I have worked my whole life and never had to be in any assistant even as a single Mother!!! Do what you can to not let the divorce affect THIER lives. In a blink the kids will be grown and gone, and all the joy, chances for fun family time will be over. I’m a woman who left my kids’ dad and Never went for child support!
It doesn’t work with my husband’s ex witch, but it does work with reasonable people. We have put in for an objection, but it’s been almost 60 days and haven’t heard anything. I can’t afford anything, got a beater car, live with my parents, school loans I just can’t pay so they have garnished wages as well, because I have no money, but she makes twice what I do. She writes and calls these attorneys incessently, sometimes 10 times per day. Personally, I receive child support from a dead beat dad. The other problem are the financial incentives in the Child Support Performance and Incentive Act that reward states with kickbacks for collecting the maximum amount of child support possible. Yes. I watched my dad go through this when he left my abusive mother. The law is very interesting regarding jurisdiction. It seems to me like I’m paying for my ex-wife to provide my daughter with a standard of living she would get if she lived with me yet when it comes to custody, as a dad, I wasn’t even a possibility unless my ex-wife was a crazy drug addict (which she wasn’t). I just don’t understand the system. My husband helped his ex-wife pay for property taxes on lots of land that her father left her while they were married. Though he was told by a judge that he didn’t have to pay any child support, because we payed for the daycare and all expenses on our own week, paid half for any extracurricular activities, and carried the health insurance for him and paid for the dental insurance, my husband still decided to pay money to go into a 529 account in his ex wife’s name so that his son would have money towards college. I want to start the child support process through the Office of the Attorney General. My attorney said I couldn’t do that, but I never pursued child support – and I was as poor as could be and still be able to provide a home for us. As I have a child (and I don’t receive child support becuase i never wanted it) I feel that this is hurting me and my child unfairly to favor his children who have literally never suffered for anything in their lives. This is what I know When was the last time a custodial parent has had a drug evaluation, & test? I didn’t have the kids why is there not something in place for the moms who end up marrying and man who has to pay child support?? Kids don’t have to have every thing in the world anyways. When she notified him that it was his child and she wanted child support.
Oh boy, there’s a lot of anger on this thread. The Attorney General’s Office (OAG) may file a Motion to Redirect Child Support if a custodial parent (CP): I don’t know if it’d be “unethical”, certainly ILLEGAL. My fiance was with his girlfriend for 7 years and high school sweethearts with two beautiful little girls. Both parents rarely agree to a divorce. This has got to change . Dance class for my girls is 75/ child each month and every time I turn around they need new dance outfits. It sounds as though that is double paying… The child support is just that – support for the child and up to the parent receiving the funds to determine where it needs to be spent. And set up in such a fashion that No One will ever be able to fight back.
His ex wife and fiance are entitled to a review of his finances every three years, its not called a raise. I had little financial or practical support. Now she calls me for additional money if she needs it and I am glad that my husband can just be a DAD. Marriage is for women only, when are men going to take their set of jewels back and own them for himself. I work as a marketing associate and earn $61,000 a year. I agree. This is the truth right here! While that may seem like a fair sum of money to some, it’s really diddly squat compared to what it takes to raise her. Not only that but now my children are in a higher socio economic class and resent their dads imposed poverty which strains our relationship.
The ex wife presents my husband with expenses that total just as much as child support each month, so he is actually paying double. Called a job! By time all her stuff is taken out of the check, health insurance, dental, her car payment, her insurance on the car and child support, his bring home is about 2800…he has kids 160 days a year!