Defensive control measures within a commander's AO include designating his security area, the battle handover line (BHL), and the main battle area (MBA) with its associated forward edge of the battle area (FEBA). It also describes the methods and essential principles for planning protective obstacles. All rights reserved. Terrain features that favor defensive operations include—. When the Stalwart vanguard reached the perimeter, their ranks broke in confusion. 8-3. As soon as the truck entered the perimeter he threw open the door and dragged Jason out. The commander allocates his air defense assets to protect these locations in accordance with the factors of METT-TC. It also should be located far enough behind friendly lines that likely enemy advances will not compel the relocation of critical CSS at inopportune times. The defending force does not fire its direct fire weapons, which are located throughout the MBA (adjacent slope positions, counterslope positions, or reverse slope positions), until suitable targets appear. Once the bridgehead is isolated, the defending commander launches a decisive attack by the striking force to destroy that isolated enemy bridgehead. He ensures that his staff synchronizes these efforts with the echelon's logistic plans. But over time, the tunnels eventually stretched from the Ho Chi Minh Trail at the border all the way into Saigon. (See FM 6-0 for a detailed discussion of OAKOC.). Both first-echelon divisions also deployed in two echelons. I’m surprised you don’t know any better, being a Nam Vet, Greg, you had to be exposed to some serious ‘reality checks’? 8-15. The commander redeploys his air defense assets to provide coverage of combat forces and other assets necessary to conduct offensive operations. If that unit is directed to retain a battle position, its commander needs to know the specific conditions that must exist before his unit can displace. The commander may also use smoke to help conceal his logistics operations. Understanding the tactics to be applied by flanking and supporting units. But I have one of those ‘psychological disorders’. If someone is this out of it they should just move to some cave in New Mexico or some other VERY fricking ‘ remote place eating old C rations while walking guard duty while wearing BDUs & loaded with Rambo gear! This defence can be used by military units from squad up. Providing long-range biological surveillance. So I’d just stand and fight and take a few out with me. So if you are intent about giving up on serious pragmatic survival in a bad breakdown, don’t bother stocking up and playing Castle King, you’ll just die wishing you had spent the money figuring out a way to get out of Dodge when the ‘getting’ was good. Prepare stronger defenses elsewhere within the AO. I am 69 years old, & am disabled somewhat but I can still do a lot to protect my husband & myself when it comes down to the SHTF ! Variance in the force's tactical pattern is advisable to deceive or surprise the enemy. These positions increase the defender's survivability by allowing him to engage the enemy from multiple positions. The commander can employ the perimeter defense as an option when conducting an area or mobile defense. It is generally useful at lower tactical levels, such as battalion and below. Their purpose is to create conditions for a counteroffensive that allows Army forces to regain the initiative (FM 3-0). Normally, companies and battalions occupy strong points, although brigades may construct them. Since then the exploit has not been repeated, but no one leaves the perimeter unarmed. An area defense is normally preferred because it accepts less risk by not allowing the enemy to cross the obstacle. Why don’t you just sit back & get your rocks off with a cup of tea, & listen to Bach! The decisive operation is a counterattack conducted by the striking force. The reserve forms a second line of defense behind the perimeter forces. As always, in a reverse slope defense, the commander can employ his designated reserve to conduct rear area security operations, prepare withdrawal routes, provide flank security, and conduct other actions with the understanding that this increases the time required to reassemble the reserve and prepare it to support the defense. 8-160. The defending force maintains its security and disrupts the enemy's attack at every opportunity. 8-16. He may require additional signal support to sustain communications across wide frontages characteristic of many defensive operations. Above all, they organized an antitank defense, with mutually supporting positions and mobile counterattack forces at all levels. Closing gaps in a defense plan before the arrival of ground maneuver forces. perimeter defense A defense without an exposed flank, consisting of forces deployed along the perimeter of the defended area. The commander uses smoke to disrupt the enemy's assault or movement formations and deny his use of target acquisition optics, visual navigation aids, air avenues of approach, LZs, and drop zones (DZs). Paranoid…no prepared. Second, they prepare the ground to force the enemy to fight where he does not want to fight, such as in open areas dominated by terrain that offers adequate cover and concealment for the occupying friendly forces. The commander uses economy of force measures in areas that do not involve his decisive operation to mass the effects of his forces in the area where a decision is sought. Tested by nine German divisions, the 29th RC was able to keep German forces from breaking through its area of operations (AO), despite having its initial three divisions rendered combat-ineffective. Tangle foot would be comparatively easy and less expensive to set up in conjunction with the ’creative’ use of ‘passive’ natural terrain obstruction like tree limbs and boulders and heavy brush on your perimeter. You mentioned in your comment that not everybody can afford to have a fully ready BOL. Location of artillery and air defense gun and missile units. The dedicated air defense artillery resources probably cannot provide adequate cover completely throughout the AO against all possible threats; therefore, the commander must establish priorities for coverage and assume risk. But you have to be willing or able to make some changes. No man is a mountain nor can they stay up 24/7. I am a 68 year old disabled vet (1st Cav, hooha ha), and very thankful I don’t have to toil for my living anymore. There’s also the legality factor. Within an area defense, the commander's use of a defense in depth accepts the possibility that the enemy may force a crossing at a given point. So what would happen to a build with minimum (think around 40-50) perimeter defense that has HoF intimdator and HoF clamps. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.