Due to their six legs, antennae, body shape, and brown translucent wings, wood-boring beetles remarkably look the same as cockroaches but they can fly, which mostly roaches can’t and there are other characteristics that tell these two bugs apart.

But these beetles have a stockier appearance as compared to roaches with higher and rounded backs. They can be found cohabiting with the American cockroach. Brown-Banded Cockroach.

But if we can look closer, we can see that this bug has a longer back leg, no antenna, and a peanut-like body. Do not let dishes sit idle in your sink or on your counter.

This helps eliminate places that might would appear desirable to roaches. Roaches are brown to reddish-brown in color.

They rarely come indoors and are usually only found when their habitat (such as grass) is disturbed. This helps eliminate places that might would appear desirable to roaches.

Or, maybe a cockroach scurried across your floor and under your baseboards never to be seen again. They are night active but are usually not found inside.

Share on facebook. If you find a large cockroach infestation in or around your home or place of business, trust a professional to rid your house of unwanted visitors. Clean Dishes and Put Them Away- Do not let dishes sit idle in your sink or on your counter. Be sure the bag is sealed after each use. 8) Leaf-Footed Bug: These bugs appear like roaches, but are not that similar looking. Also, consider cleaning inside of microwave and toaster ovens as well, to ensure crumbs aren’t hiding waiting to contribute to a cockroach problem.

… Be sure to clean those hard to reach areas behind your fridge and stove. How to Stop Bugs from Making Your House Their Winter Home. May/June bugs are about the same size as cockroaches (½ to 1 inch), and just like cockroaches, their body color varies from reddish-brown to black. Brown-banded cockroaches are an indoor species. Decorative perforated metal decorative perforated metal powder coated decorative metal … Decorative Metal Sheets With Patterned Openings. To avoid water becoming a problem source, fix any leaky pipes and never leave standing water in your sink or tub.

The Asian Cockroach is tan in color. They are chestnut to light brown in color. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. They are chestnut to light brown in color.

Beetles that look like cockroaches. They are night active.

Tidy Up! Also called May beetles, June bugs look like roaches because of their reddish-brown to black color. These creatures are mainly found around water sources such as sewers and pipes and in dark, damp places such as the basement.

Cockroaches like to stay warm- and in the chilly winter months, our homes and places of business can provide the perfect escape and source of heat, food, and water. However, the roaches are bigger and have a harder exoskeleton compared to roaches.

The Smokybrown Cockroach is usually dark cherry or red in color.

Eliminate Sources of Water- Roaches need water just like they need food. Or, consider buying a container to store the food in.

Make sure that boxes, paper bags, piles of clutter, old newspapers, and magazines are all disposed of.

They are night active and in large numbers can cause allergic responses in children. There are more than 300,000 species of beetles, and they come in various shapes, sizes and colors. At around a half-inch long, brown-banded cockroaches are one of the area’s smaller species. Smokybrown Cockroach. Prev Article.

This is a sure way to attract cockroaches to your Kitchen- the last place you want to see them! Small Light Brown Bugs That Look Like Roaches; Share. Cockroaches are such feared household pests that homeowners sometimes mistake other insects for them. Or, consider buying a container to store the food in. Many beetles are brown, which increases their resemblance to cockroaches. Their size ranges from a half an inch to almost two inches long.

To avoid water becoming a problem source, fix any leaky pipes and never leave standing water in your sink or tub. They are typically found in tree holes, attics, and crawl spaces. These roaches are a light yellow-brown color. Our response to COVID-19: As we continue to monitor the Coronavirus (COVID-19), your health and well being remains our focus.

They are attracted to light, can fly, and can usually be found underneath leaf litter, mulch, or high grass.

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Thoroughly Clean on and Around Appliances-.

The heavy-bodied June beetles vary from 12 to 25 mm and have shiny wing covers that make them looked like a cockroach.

They are night active. Store Away Pet Food- Roaches can feed off open pet food in your garage or on your porch. Where a common cockroach likes to congregate and happily thrives on leftover food, whatever the dog or cat dropped or what falls behind the stove or fridge, the water bug is an active hunter that lives in and around water bodies such as ponds or small creeks.

Just like roaches, the leaf-footed bug is also brown in color, around an inch long, and has wings. Overhead images of brown-banded cockroaches. Also, consider cleaning inside of microwave and toaster ovens as well, to ensure crumbs aren’t hiding waiting to contribute to a cockroach problem. Wood Boring Beetles. Now that you know how to distinguish the types of cockroaches found in our area and know steps you can take to prevent them from invading your home, its important to know problems can still arise. Their main difference is that June bugs are rounder than roaches, they have antennae that are curled like eyelashes, they are 100% vegetarian, eating leaves and other vegetation and they live mainly on trees.

Common bugs that look like cockroaches, and, therefore, are often mistaken for roaches, are crickets and water bugs as well as beetles such as the ground beetle, wood-boring beetle, Palto Verde beetle, and Asian Long-Horned beetle. These creatures are mainly found around water sources such as sewers and pipes and in dark, damp places such as the basement. And, find out the tips and tricks to keeping unwanted pests out of your home for good. The smoky brown cockroach is dark mahogany brown all over. Some bugs that look like roaches but aren't include crickets, water bugs, and certain beetles. Making sure to vacuum carpet and hardwood floors to eliminate sources of food can also cut down on cockroach activity. Learn more about these different types of cockroaches. As the name implies, they have two brown bands on their backs. Email. Vacuum Regularly- Making sure to vacuum carpet and hardwood floors to eliminate sources of food can also cut down on cockroach activity. to find out more about cockroaches and other bugs who may try to invade your home this season.

They are night active. Roaches can feed off open pet food in your garage or on your porch. Seal any gaps, cracks, openings around pipes, and any other areas of entry. Cockroaches are such feared household pests that homeowners sometimes mistake other insects for them.

Click Here for a message from the Breda's. The Smokybrown Cockroach is usually dark cherry or red in color. The American Cockroach is perhaps the most common. Next Article . It however has markings that are different from roaches. This is a sure way to attract cockroaches to your Kitchen- the last place you want to see them! Roaches need water just like they need food. Copyright © 2020 Breda Pest Management all rights reserved. They can be found on window sills or walls of the house, often during early fall or late summer. Seal Your House- Roaches can find their way inside through the smallest of cracks and crevices.

Now that you know some of the preventative measures you can take to keep unwanted cockroaches out of you and your family’s home, let’s look at the five most common cockroaches found in Georgia: The American Cockroach is perhaps the most common. So, below we divided these cockroach lookalikes into two categories: crawlers and fliers. So, how do you know if it’s a beetle or a cockroach? The Oriental Cockroach is usually cherry to black in color. But, be sure to empty out the vacuum’s bag or cartridge.

The German Cockroach, unfortunately, is always found inside. Tweet.

Check out our latest free guide, How to Stop Bugs from Making Your House Their Winter Home, to find out more about cockroaches and other bugs who may try to invade your home this season.

Some bugs that look like roaches but aren't include crickets, water bugs, and certain beetles.


Perhaps you’ve seen one scurrying about your kitchen counter when you turn on the lights. Roaches can find their way inside through the smallest of cracks and crevices. Related Articles. Bugs That Look Like Roaches. June bugs may be mistaken as a cockroach because of its brown color. Regardless of where you have spotted the pesky pest, they can spell trouble and could be a strong indicator of your need to call a pest control expert- especially in the winter months when pests decide to leave the cold outdoors and make our homes their safe spot. Image of a brown-banded cockroach on debris.

Thoroughly Clean on and Around Appliances- Be sure to clean those hard to reach areas behind your fridge and stove. Cockroaches are not simply attracted to messy or cluttered houses, despite what many people think. Be sure the bag is sealed after each use. Seal any gaps, cracks, openings around pipes, and any other areas of entry.

The German cockroach is light brown in color, with two stripes just below its head. Roach Description. Cockroaches are one bug no one cares to see.

Beetles, on the other hand, fold their wings beneath extensions of their exoskeleton called wing cases.

Make sure that boxes, paper bags, piles of clutter, old newspapers, and magazines are all disposed of.

Further, their wings are always visible, even at rest.

They are found in kitchen areas near warm appliances and sources of water.

These markings can however be distinguished when looked up at close. Unlike other cockroaches, oriental roaches move slowly. And, find out the tips and tricks to keeping unwanted pests out of your home for good. If found indoors, their presence may indicate a nearby egg casing. Most of them are black or tan brown, colors which they share with the cockroaches.