, ... We dont need another combo deck we need a tool like Jitte to open up the doors to FAIR decks. Annoying matchup early, his blind works against your W so I reccomend waiting for him to use his blind for poke and then all in him right after it wears off, Doran's shield start is also great in this matchup, basically once you get your ultimate if you land E's on him he is dead, you are also way more useful in splitpushing and team fighting so keep that in mind no matter how poorly you do in lane. Wukong matchup can really go either way, early on he is pretty hard to punish, try to save your E until after he uses his clone and try not to use your Q on the clone or else your W will target that. Champion Spotlight: Karma, the Enlightened One, https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Karma/Strategy?oldid=2987458, All strategy pages have been deprecated and are currently only being used for archival purposes. Can play [[Circle of Protection: White]] to prevent the damage being done to you.
Push malphite in early game as much as possible as it's hard for him to farm under turret early game, Malphite also just has no kill pressure on you early game and bad waveclear so this should be easy, it's hard to kill malphite until you get black cleaver unless he messes up really bad, Also remember you can flash his ultimate. Urborg and layers Although this matchup is quite rare some people do pick it as a counterpick, just try to bait out his W before using your W, I like to build Cull and Black cleaver in this matchup since it's mostly a farm lane, you can also try to make tp plays as well as pushing him in and roaming since his waveclear is awful, make sure you don't get taunted into turret when pushing in, overall this is more of a farm lane just don't 1v1 him until you get cleaver and sometimes even deaths dance. Mutavault can produce black mana, painlands give black mana without dealing any damage, Nightveil Specter can be cast with Urborg and any two other lands. When we do this, the sacrifices happen on the stack in the order of, According to EDHREC, the most common commanders that run this combo are. Another great engage support, also her CC and lockdown is absurd, makes teamfighting very easy. R–E–Q–W This combo starts off with ultimate and is good for picking targets off or if your teamates are going to follow up on the person you R’d, like I said before since it’s a 4 second slow sometimes that is enough to pick somebody out and get a kill even if you don’t get the pull.
Punish kayle very hard pre 6 because she is meele until then, seriously do not let her walk up to farm in this lane when she is meele because she basically isn't even a champion, once she gets 6 this matchup gets a lot harder because it gets extremely hard to get E's on her, but you can sometimes still bait her in to fight and get the surprise E if you make it look like you're running away and then turn on her really quickly, her ultimate also denies your ultimate but you should try to time the pull to avoid that because she can't R while she is being pulled, so if she R's early just wait a little bit before you press R again to pull her, also sometimes you can just pull her anyway and then finish her off normally if your ultimate doesn't kill her.