Caribbees. A population pyramid, also called an "age-gender-pyramid", is a graphical illustration that shows the distribution of various age groups in a population (typically that of a country or region of the world), which forms the shape of a pyramid when the population is growing. In most countries in the continent, the population growth is in excess of 2% every year. All three ratios are commonly multiplied by 100. Nigeria is set for one of the biggest population booms in world history and it's expected to increase by a factor of eight in just two or three generations. The changes in lifestyle and consumption patterns associated with a progressive urbanization of the population affect land use and land cover patterns beyond the obvious increase of built-up area (Rindfuss and others, 2004).
The young age structure of the West African population — almost half of West Africans are 15 years old and younger — assures continued population growth into the near and medium future. However, along the coast, population densities are driven up by a large number of coastal settlements, including some major urban agglomerations. Two important perennial rivers, the Niger and the Benue, as well as their tributaries, assure sufficient water provision. While civilizations flourished across the region in the 15th through 19th centuries, the high concentration of kingdoms, empires and particularly city states — such as Kano, Katsina, Oyo, Ife, Benin, Nri, Igbo and others— is unique to the territory that became modern Nigeria.
People tend to settle where the climate is clement, the soils are fertile, and economic opportunities are present. Population pyramids for selected countries in the regions of the world This page is a companion page to: UN Population Policies, World Demographics, Job Fatalities and The Extermination of Men. Youth Dependency Ratio Definition: population ages 0-15 divided by the population ages 16-64. The UN Population Fund stated in 2009 that the population of Africa had hit the one billion mark and had therefore doubled in size over the course of 27 years. By 2100, more than half of the world's growth is expected to come from Africa, reaching 4.1 billion people by 2100 to claim over 1/3 of the world's population. Not only has West Africa’s population been growing rapidly at an average annual rate of 2.75 percent, it has also become more urban, with some major cities recording mean annual growth rates of up to 9 percent. NOTE: Dependency Ratio does not take into account labor force participation rates by age group.
Assuming a medium fertility model, the population of the region is projected to exceed one billion by 2059, when almost one in 10 of the world’s people will be West African (UN, 2015).
The population in Africa has grown rapidly over the last 40 years and it has a relatively young population, with more than half of the population under 25 in some states. The map of population densities (above) shows higher population densities in Nigeria than in any other West African country.
Central America. West Africa’s population is unevenly distributed throughout the region, reflecting differences in the physical environment as well as the history of human settlement (see map above).
As an already very densely populated country today, Nigeria provides a preview of the pressures on the land resources that other parts of West Africa will likely have to face in the future. All of these statistics could potentially lead to a fall in population numbers.
Most countries will at least triple in population as the region has very high fertility rates and very little family planning in most regions. This is pretty amazing considering the country is about the size of Texas. Welcome to the United Nations.
Dietary demands of the urban population translate into land demands in the urban periphery, in particular for the cultivation of high-value, perishable crops, such as fruits and vegetables. The boom in Africa's population will be in sub-Sahara, including growth in countries like Tanzania, which is one of the poorest countries on earth. World Population Prospects 2019 Africa's Nigeria is currently one of the most populous countries on earth, and as China 's population shrinks and India plateaus, Nigeria will reach nearly 1 billion people by 2100 and come close to surpassing China. The population pyramid that represents Stage 3 in the demographic transition has nearly vertical sides, with a broad base and relatively broad peak, reflecting reduced fertility, reduced childhood mortality, and increased survival; the older age categories make up a larger proportion of the population than in earlier stages, and the size of the population stabilizes. Just 13 years ago, the country's population was 34 million, which has now grown to 45 million but is projected to reach 276 million by 2100, which is close to the current population of the U.S. Department of Economic and Social Affairs Population Dynamics. Any expert would find it hard to argue with the commonly held view that the population of Africa in 2016 and beyond is set for further increases. Part of the wages earned in the city reach the rural areas in the form of remittances to the homelands of the new urbanites, where they spur investments in economic activities that potentially affect the land cover, such as through abandonment or intensification of agriculture. View live population, charts & trends: Population of South Africa, A Total Fertility Rate (TFR) of 2.1 represents the Replacement-Level Fertility: the average number of children per woman needed for each generation to exactly replace itself without needing international immigration. The Population Fund’s Director Thoraya Obeid spoke to the BBC at the time and underlined the reasons behind the growing population. In the densely forested southern part of the region, which has historically been more difficult to develop, rural population densities are generally lower than in the open savanna.
but in Africa, the issue over family planning leads to the reverse effect. The African nations as a whole are made up from such a diverse set of components that it is impossible to list them in full concerning demographics. For comparison, the world population has increased less than three-fold during the same time period. With a 2015 population of 367 million (UN, 2015), West Africa is home to 5 percent of the world’s population. schools, hospitals, homes, etc. In the arable regions, where soils are fertile and the climate is favorable for crop cultivation, higher population densities are found. In former British colonies, this can be seen extensively, and Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and South Africa are all good examples as to a growing set of diverse ethnicities. Nigeria encompasses an extensive savanna region, without the extreme aridity found in the northern countries, and a large delta and coastal plains. This is a five-fold increase in population since 1950, when 73 million people lived in the region, which makes West Africa the fastest growing of any of the world’s regions.
Formula: ([Population ages 0-15] ÷ [Population ages 16-64]) × 100, Elderly dependency ratio Definition: population ages 65-plus divided by the population ages 16-64.Formula: ([Population ages 65-plus] ÷ [Population ages 16-64]) × 100, Total dependency ratio Definition: sum of the youth and old-age ratios. Infant mortality is also extremely high, and in Mali, it is reported that there are 102 deaths per 1,000 live births. The population of Africa is currently projected to quadruple in just 90 years, with a growth rate that will make Africa more important than ever to the global economy. What might explain this noticeable difference between Nigeria and the rest of West Africa? Africa's Nigeria is currently one of the most populous countries on earth, and as China's population shrinks and India plateaus, Nigeria will reach nearly 1 billion people by 2100 and come close to surpassing China.
The population of Africa is currently projected to quadruple in just 90 years, with a growth rate that will make Africa more important than ever to the global economy.
It suggests a growing population. The 2019 population density in South Africa is 48 people per Km2 (125 people per mi2), calculated on a total land area of 1,213,090 Km2 (468,376 sq. A population pyramid, or age structure graph, is a simple graph that conveys the complex social narrative of a population through its shape. There are three types of age dependency ratio: Youth, Elderly, and Total. South Africa. Aerial view of Ouagadougou © Gray Tappan/USGS, Aerial view of growing rural settlements in southern Benin © Gray Tappan/USGS, Aerial view of Ouagadougou © Matt Cushing/USGS, The Deforestation of the Upper Guinean Forest.
Settlements are also concentrated in the riverine plains of the Senegal and Niger rivers, where perennial water availability supports irrigated agriculture of rice and high value garden crops.
... North Africa.
Some portion of the population counted as "working age" may actually be unemployed or not in the labor force whereas some portion of the "dependent" population may be employed and not necessarily economically dependent. Formula: (([Population ages 0-15] + [Population ages 65-plus]) ÷ [Population ages 16-64]) × 100. The age structure of West Africa’s current population forms the shape of a pyramid with a wide base and concave sides, indicating a high birth rate and a relatively high death rate, resulting in rapid growth.
The population pyramid of China (below) from 1950 to 2050(expected) shows the impact of One-Child-only policy that was introduced in 1979 due to the extreme rise in population. A value below 2.1 will cause the native population to decline, See also: Countries in the world ranked by Life Expectancy.
This has reduced considerably over the course of the last twenty years with a widespread HIV and AIDS epidemic taking much of the blame for that statistic. In addition, there is a high proportion of younger people within the Africa population as a whole, with reports that 41% of the African population is under the age of 15. A Population pyramid (also called "Age-Sex Pyramid") is a graphical representation of the age and sex of a population. Central Africa. With little or no measures in place to address the issue, the 2.4 billion prediction for 2050 is entirely plausible. Thus, the Peanut Basin of western Senegal, the Niger-Nigeria border region, central Burkina Faso, and southwestern Chad stand out by their relatively high rural population densities. Expansive - pyramid with a wide base (larger percentage of people in younger age groups, indicating high birth rates and high fertility rates) and narrow top (high death rate and lower life expectancies). The remaining 16 countries account for the other half of the West African population, with Ghana coming in at a distant second (7.5 percent of West Africa’s population). Two out of the three ancient trans-Saharan trade routes originating from North Africa and Arabia ended in Nigeria, which brought an influx of people to settle and trade.
The age structure of West Africa’s current population forms the shape of a pyramid with a wide base and concave sides, indicating a high birth rate and a relatively high death rate, resulting in rapid growth. A majority of West Africans still live in rural areas, yet the urban population has increased from only 8.3 percent in 1950 to almost 44 percent in 2015.