We are encouraged to speak what we want to the Universe. Before you let go of that letter, make sure to thank the universe. You might be thinking that’s impossible, but it is true. The human mind has a tendency of making even the smallest of things complex. I am Patrick Woord, a Professional Manifestation and Law of Attraction Coach. There are various writing methods that have been spreading in the LOA community. Something that is unnecessary, you will not write it down. Also, when you’re writing, your mind is focusing solely on your deepest desires. But sometimes, it takes writing down a letterto really silence the mind and just let the thoughts flow on paper. When you are writing down your manifestations, make sure you are clear about what you want. Manifesting is a technique of reaching out towards the universe, a higher power to get what you want. And you know what? Instead, we’re focused on the positive. Writing letters to the universe is a great way to shift your energies quickly. The Universe can hear all your emotions and writing them down makes it more clear. Clear your mind and relax. The moment that you wrote it down, the universe already moved to give you what you want and it’s on its way. Read the letter and connect with the feelings and emotions of your wish being granted. Instead of writing in the future tense use the present tense. It can be as … Once you’re done with your letter, sign it, fold it, and put it in an envelope. Individualogist Archetype Review: Can Archetypes Help You Reveal Your True Self? Ready yourself for all the good things that are going to come your way. It could be just for a few minutes and when you reach a calm state, then you can move on to the next step. Well, it sure is true. Required fields are marked *. And also, it’s very therapeutic! The Law of attraction is basically just thinking if you want to put it in simpler terms. You just have to stay focused on your dreams and have a positive mindset. When you are writing down your desires, you are basically sorting out what your true desires want. Store it in a safe place. The universe will not be able to help you if you yourself don’t know what you truly wish for. “A pen is mightier than the sword” you must have heard of this phrase. Maybe they are topics about things you love. When you write your desires or something you want to manifest, you are thinking about that desire for a longer period of time. You can also ask the universe questions by writing them down. Why Intention is the Foundation when Writing your Desires? Just like with meditation, you have to be in a calm space to do this. For example, suppose you want financial freedom. They’re out there. You can also go back to it whenever you feel like it. This focus keeps you from doubting yourself or letting you get into a negative mindset. I have recommended an amazing Manifestation Program at the end of this article and I would like you to give it a try if you are someone who wants to raise their vibrations and manifest an abundant life for themselves. This can remind you of your desires and it will keep you in higher vibrations. It should be something believable and something you accept in your heart. There are so many manifestation techniques that you can do in order to align your energies with your desires. It consists of all the techniques such as Visualisation, Subliminal Messages, Meditation and how to master each of them. We are good at thinking and setting our intentions in our minds, but when it comes to writing down our thoughts and feelings into a letter we hesitate and become uncertain. I guess for some, you can treat it as an alternative to meditation. Here are all the steps to guide you through the process. Intentions play an important part in your manifestations. Unlimited Abundance Review – Manifest $7,500 in 1 Session. Let it go and let the universe handle it. There is also the 555 technique where you repeatedly write your manifestations 55 times for 5 days in a row. For example, instead of, “I want to be rich” write “I am rich and financially abundant.” You need to give power to your desires. Just trust the process and go with it. The law of attraction is not tough. It’s time to get that pen and paper and start writing your letter to the universe. The first step is to take a pen and paper and actually write them down. The Biorhythm Review 2020- Can It Help You Predict Your Future. It could be a single sentence or an entire page. To get into a clear mindset, you can meditate, go for a walk or cycle. The universe knows what you truly really want. Manifestation Magic – 2020 Review: What is Energy Orbiting? I really recommend this Manifestation Program as it consists of all the questions to your manifestation problems and helps you attract your dreams into your life. As you can see, the statement above is simple yet very specific. Tell the universe thank you for fulfilling your wish because it’s already done. Make a list of topics. And also, it’s very therapeutic! 12 Week Mastery Review – Accomplish Goals in 8 Weeks? Your intentions are what reach the universe. Pick up a pen and a piece of paper. In fact, this is a great way for self-alignment. Think about things that you want instead of things you want the universe to correct for you. Writing a manifestation list, letter or Journal can be tough for most of us. Writing is one of the most powerful ways to get your desires out of your head and into the Universe. That focus and the level of concentration that you put into writing make sure energy boost up and your thoughts and vibrations become even stronger. Knowing how to write a manifestation is essential.