Early childhood socialization influences adult behavior and decisions. The Gender Development Index has recorded the global monitoring of existing gender gaps since 1996, and it provides clear evidence of how much still needs to be done before a truly equitable gender balance is reached. 3. New York, 1993. Schüssler Fiorenza, Elisabeth. The symbolic order and institutional structures created by religions have deeply affected and inspired human existence over millennia; they continue to do so for countless people in today's postmodern world. Emphasize that in all religions, Christianity included, there is a wide spectrum of how people practice their religion, from those who are deeply traditional to those who practice their religion but “look” very secular, or Western. . Second, religion can be integral to the existing gender order, but can be used to give access to power from ‘inside’ and use it in ways which may be subversive of the existing gender order … Any interactives on this page can only be played while you are visiting our website. As women's studies and feminist studies of religion have gained more institutional recognition over recent decades, some women scholars feel resistant toward gender studies because their development may mean the loss of some of the recent gains made. In particular, views on the acceptance of homosexuality and abortion have wide discrepancies. A fine discussion of remarkably widespread, ambiguous stereotypes used to control women in male-dominated societies, whether in the religions of ancient Israel and Mesopotamia, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, medieval Christianity, Islam, Indian Sufism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Tibetan religions, or even modern Neopaganism. An excellent collection of essays that reflects the increasingly self-critical and theoretically sophisticated stances of the growing field of men's studies in religion. Most religions elevate the status of men over women, have stricter sanctions against women, and require them to be submissive. Many further issues, whether theoretical or praxis-oriented, can only find brief mention. Comparative studies also provide much evidence that, during the formative period of a religion, at the time of a new religious founder or prophet when a "discipleship of equals" (Schüssler-Fiorenza) may exist, women often have a more egalitarian position, greater influence, and even leadership, whereas subsequently they are often relegated to secondary roles, losing much of their independent agency. There is also a notable divide within every nation-state between the highly religious and the weakly religious or non-religious. [45] Where there has been societal inequality, reformers and feminists have utilized Hinduism's texts to reorient the social status of women to provide them with equal opportunities, and modern Hindu society has witnessed an upsurge in women taking up leadership roles in many contemporary institutions. Illustrates brilliantly how gender thinking is neither natural nor neutral, and argues that a radical shift in thinking is required to make a "gender-critical" turn in all areas, including the study of religion. Rising right wing populism and xenophobia in Western European nations is partially a response to increased rates of immigration from the Middle East and North Africa spurred by global conflicts. The decision to keep girls home from school, abort a female fetus, hire a man over a woman, and a variety of other micro interaction gendered decisions are informed and influenced by the patriarchal values espoused by organized religions. The Hague, 2004. It is the patriarchy of society that has influenced Christianity and put men in positions of power. Anderson, Pamela Sue. King, Ursula, and Tina Beattie, eds. ." Puttick, Elizabeth, and Peter B. Clarke, eds. The major change was the evolution from the classical breadwinner family model to alternative family structures where women worked outside the home as well as permissibility of new sexual attitudes and lifestyles.