I have it painted on a Hellcat Mk.1, I will try and snag some pictures tomorrow or Friday, and post them if you'd like to see how they look when sprayed? The decimal RGB color code is rgb(47,79,79). Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 22.2% cyan, 11.1% magenta, 0% yellow and 43.5% black. In the RGB color model #2f4f4f is comprised of 18.43% red, 30.98% green and 30.98% blue. Since achromatic colors have no hue, the hue code (h code) is left blank for achromatic colors (usually marke… Slate gray is a gray color with a slight azure tinge that is a representation of the average color of the material slate.As a tertiary color, slate is an equal mix of purple and green pigments.. Slaty, referring to this color, is often used to describe birds.. In the HSL color space #2f4f4f has a hue of 180° (degrees), 25% saturation and 25% lightness. In a RGB color space, hex #2f4f4f (also known as Dark slate gray) is composed of 18.4% red, 31% green and 31% blue. dark slate gray . The hexadecimal RGB code of Dark Slate Gray color is #2F4F4F. Color Palette #1003 Facebook Twitter Pinterest Share. Color Palette #2137. bright pink, dark emerald green, dark pink, dark slate gray, emerald green, gray, magenta, pale silver color, pink, shades of cool green, shades of green, slate-gray. RGB They are Tamiya XF- 77 IJN Grey for the Extra Dark Sea Grey, and XF-73 J.G.S.D.F Dark Green for the Dark Slate Grey. White is at the extreme upper end of the achromatic valuescale and black is at the extreme lower end of the achromatic value scale, with all the colors normally considered tones of achromatic gray colors in between. The US equivalents for the Temperate Sea and Land Schemes were the same, so the Olive Drab & Sea Grey (613 & 603) should be the same on a Mustang Mk.I and Corsair Mk.I. Dark Slate Gray RGB Color Code: #2F4F4F. The color darkslategray / Dark slate gray with hexadecimal color code #2f4f4f is a dark shade of cyan. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 40.5% cyan, … ANA 613 became the US equivalent for Dark Slate Grey and ANA 603 for Sea Grey(s) in Temperate Sea Schemes. This code is composed of a hexadecimal 2F red (47/256), a 4F green (79/256) and a 4F blue component (79/256). The colors white and black are not usually thought of as shades of gray, but they can be thought of as shades of achromatic gray, as both contain equal amounts of red, blue and green. The first recorded use of slate … In a RGB color space, hex #708090 (also known as Slate gray) is composed of 43.9% red, 50.2% green and 56.5% blue. Darkslategray / Dark slate gray / #2f4f4f Hex Color Code.