Note: When two people, who have a lawful marriage relationship in the sight of God, get divorced, then according to these scriptures (Mark 10:11-12; Luke 16:18), neither of them can remarry while their divorced partner is alive without committing adultery. A repentant adulterer can still be a good husband or wife. All the other Scriptures seemed to only prove marriage to be impossible to end. I am a born-again Christian who has suffered through a divorce. Many are sorry about adultery, but being sorry is not enough. Can I remarry after I commit adultery is one of a few questions that I will answer in this time we have together, God Bless and Let’s get started. 7:15 means I can remarry if my unbelieving companion leaves, but I cannot if my believing companion leaves, then it is to my advantage to marry an unbeliever! Often, the only way out of adulterous and destructive relationships is to do what is right regardless of experience the pain of discipline rather than the pain of regret. I just don't see how any Christian husband can talk or feel that way toward a broken and repentant wife. Only genuine repentance opens the ears of God and restoration. Despite the origin of the marriage, God still joined the two together. However, if the relationship is strong enough and both partners and willing to work towards rebuilding the trust that was lost, it is possible to forgive and move forward. Forbidding someone to remarry after they're divorced is bad doctrine. But just as God ultimately forgave Israel, so too it is possible in a Christian marriage where adultery's been committed, that the offended party forgive the adulterer and the marriage be healed. Such an idea penalizes one for being married to a believer! You have to make the decision to change and stay faithful. * If 1 Cor. If that’s the case and your spouse is being honest and repentant, I suggest you forgive your spouse and reconcile. The other day I was asked ” What Does The Bible Say About Me Being Divorced And Being Remarried”. I noticed that you did not give Scripture to back that up. For these reasons, I say with Paul, if a person is presently married, do not seek to be loosed from the bonds of marriage. Just as a repentant thief must lay aside his acts of thievery, a fornicator must lay aside his acts of fornication, a blasphemer must lay aside his blasphemous speech, a homosexual must lay aside his homosexual acts, so also the remarried adulterer must lay aside his adultery and his adulterous relationship. Jesus is clear that singleness can be a gift (Matthew 19:12). He has called us to peace, not legal bondage, and He can make a good marriage and a happy home no matter what the previous history of the people involved may have been, provided that true repentance, proper restitution, and genuine saving faith and sincere desire to serve the Lord now exist in their lives. If a person wants out before the death of the partner, then they can only do so knowing that they have given up their right to remarry. 2. Isaiah 59:2 says that our iniquities … That’s where I no longer agreed. Even though God forgives adultery, this does not mean He erases the consequences that might come from adultery. 2. “Can a saved person still go to heaven after committing adultery when they know that its wrong, even if they can’t help themselves? The most a pastor can hope for is to show the couple what they will lose through divorce and encourage reconciliation. It needs to be clear that if a divorced person does remarry unbiblically, the sin is in the decision and act of remarrying; being in a marriage that was formed against the teaching of Scripture is not a state of sin. And, though the marriage may be founded in adultery, it can be lived out in a life pleasing to God; just as David’s marriage to Bathsheba, though founded in adultery and murder, was lived out before God honorably. Allah says about those who repent: Marriage after being divorced is our heavenly Father's heart! I read a book one time by Geoffrey Bromiley called God and Marriage, about 120 pages. I want always to make the right choices, those that God ordains, because as His child, I want to be faithful and obedient. Genuine repentance does not occur. 2. However, just as with premarital sex, there are lots of long-term and destructive consequences for engaging in adultery. Here are a few signs you’ll find in a truly repentant person: Repentant people are willing to confess all their sins, ... A man (or woman) who unjustly divorced and then remarried can repent by acknowledging the wrongdoing fully, without minimizing or offering excuses. A return to the original spouse is strictly forbidden. Otherwise, marriage is a lifetime commitment. For the sake of the scenario, let’s assume that the spouse is not only not repentant (and does not even feel bad) but also has no intention of stopping his/her adulterous habits. Yes. But if you continue your adulterer life style I don't see any forgiveness coming your way. If your marriage was unhealthy to begin with, and your spouse’s act of adultery was a short-lived event that came in a time of weakness, that’s important to consider. (Again, however, Scripture teaches clearly elsewhere that confrontation and mercy predicated upon repentance is the best route.) But other than that I don't see why you couldn't be forgiven for what you've done. If a man claims he has sincerely repented for his sin, his wife can keep him as her husband. I don't have the reference at the moment, but the Jews in Jesus' day had no concept of divorce without allowing re-marriage. So Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:32 (and Mark 10:11-12) mean simply that entering into an illegitimate remarriage is an adulterous act. This divorce was not my desire, as I absolutely belief in marriage vows and the concept "until death do us part." But if the offender is truly repentant, this is the first step to healing a marriage. I have some questions that I hope you can address. Sexual sins ultimate goal is to destroy the marriage: “Sin when it is fully grown brings forth death” (James 1:15). (Take notice of a wrong translation of only one single word (apoluo) that puts a divorced person in bondage.) And I think that even if she isn't broken and repentant that he should wait and wait and pray and pray.