tip! Join the Shutterstock Affiliate program using our invite. This text is solid black (#000000) on a striped hex color #483d8b and white (#ffffff) background. It has a hue angle of 248.5 degrees, a saturation of 39% and a lightness of 39.2%. The color darkslateblue / Dark slate blue with hexadecimal color code #483d8b is a medium dark shade of blue-magenta. Made with ☕ by Zack Banack.Thanks to Tailwind, Tailwind Toolbox, graph.js, easyrgb.com, brandcolors.com, FontAwesome, and HeroPatterns. This text is hex color #483d8b on a solid black (#000000) background. Create the strongest contrast. Dark slate blue. #483d8b color RGB value is (72,61,139). #483d8b is made up of (72, 61, 139) in RGB colorspace and (48.20, 56.12, 0.00, 45.49) in CMYK colorspace. Pleasing and harmonious to the eye, they can be found in nature. If you're a programmer, view the code snippets section for prepared language syntax. Click on the colors to explore their unique information. A color gradient may also be known as color progression or a color ramp. Looking for something completely different? Triad. If you feel like taking a slight deviation in hue, click a color below to learn about why it's so unique. Hex code. This text is solid white (#ffffff) on a striped hex color #483d8b and white (#ffffff) background. To find out more about the cookies we use, see our. A shade is obtained by adding black to a color. Here you can easily copy-and-paste formatted color code for use with your favorite programming/markup languages like HTML/CSS, Java, Objective-C, and GameMaker Language. Circle around the color wheel, five colors. These two colors are opposite one another in the color spectrum. Seeing a variation of this color used in photos may be of value. The secondary colors come from the section above. In the RGB color model #483d8b is comprised of 28.24% red, 23.92% green and 54.51% blue. The hexidecimal color, #483d8b, is commonly known by the name "Dark slate blue". Black is simply all 0s (#000000) and white is simply all Fs (#FFFFFF). When writing a website's HTML and CSS, you have the option to use hex, RGB, and HSL values. Slate’s color varies in nature and can be gray, blue, greenish-gray, dark red, black, tan, and even purplish-gray. By continuing to use this website you are giving consent to cookies being used. The Analagous color scheme is made up of three colors. This website uses cookies. Shown here are 20 different environment types and how #483d8b could potentially look inside each of them, given perfect conditions. 2020 Colors now features paint catalogues. The first color is called the "base" #483d8b and the second color is called the "compliment" #838c3d. Let one color dominate and use the other two for the accent. PANTONE. For example, the direct decimal conversion is 4734347 while the individual RGB conversions are: 72, 61, 139. Red is the absense of green and blue, so its hex value is #FF0000; green: #00FF00; blue: #0000FF. But, you can be the judge of that by looking at the examples below. Accessibility is an important aspect of (web) design that is many a developer's afterthought.To learn more about accessible colors, read Google's article covering best practices and principals. This process reduces darkness. #483d8b #818b3d. For websites and applications, hex color code formatting is most commonly used to define colors.

Click the labels to copy the value onto the clipboard.

RAL colour closest to this. This process increases darkness. A gradient is the gradual transition of one color into another. When viewed on a color wheel, all three colors are spaced evenly (120°) apart. The named colors below have been calculated to be the furthest colors from#483d8b. The Tetradic color scheme is made up of four colors.
Seeing #483d8b on a computer or phone screen is much different than how it may appear in the real world. When people spot this color, Dark slate blue (#483d8b), in advertising materials, they might associate it with being transparent, sleek, elegant, technology, and something classic.Shades of "dark gray". A tint is obtained by adding white to a color. CSS (HTML, Web) DarkSlateBlue #483d8b. This useful chart contains technical information about the hexadecimal color #483d8b. If you're considering using #483d8b in a logo or design, you can quickly reference below to see how various symbols, icons, and emblems look. RGB: rgb (72,61,139) HSV: ( 248.46° , 0.56% , 139% ) Add a useful note/description about this color.

Copied to clipboard! The three colors sit next to one another on the color wheel. These bytes are in base 16 notation, meaning their values can range from 00 to FF. This color has an approximate wavelength of 457.97 nm.

You can link to this same page with the following url formats: https://rgb.to/17074/slate-blueAn also with... https://rgb.to/16,93,157 https://rgb.to/hex/105d9d https://rgb.to/105d9d Read the about section for other useful url shortcuts. Dark Slate Blue RGB Color Code: #483D8B The hexadecimal RGB code of Dark Slate Blue color is #483D8B . Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 48.2% cyan, 56.1% magenta, 0% yellow and 45.5% black. Now convert this color / search this keyword pressing the buttons below the search box!. But, the colors below are a close match. In the HSL color space #483d8b has a hue of 248° (degrees), 39% saturation and 39% lightness. Discover all the similar standard color names: CSS, x11, Pantone, RAL name.