“Watch me, mama!” “Mama, did you know?” “… Education is about relationship, about being worthy of the hope of our children.
This doesn’t feel like a beautiful life to me even if it might appear to others that I have it together if my house is put perfectly in order. Who knows what adventures await! I am so excited to be able to tell you about the conference series that we have planned to bring to you. We are incredibly grateful for this opportunity to rest, be renewed, and delight in recreation with our family. During the school year, this means no screens during the week because they have more free time to watch on the weekend. The book that helps us deserves many readings, for assimilation comes by slow degrees.” ― Charlotte M. Mason, Ourselves. So our Sabbath meals are typically quite nice as Glenn finds it restful to experiment in the kitchen. Most years, we make plans to simplify life, to slow down to help us remember that at our core we are His children. I somehow became convinced I could really only learn or grow or know God through non-fiction. “Having found the book which has a message for us, let us not be guilty of the folly of saying we have read it.
He can continue to bring His kingdom about in His world when I am at rest. But, thankfully, Glenn enjoys cooking! This new book from Sally and Sarah will a go a long way toward helping your imagination. I enjoyed reading at an early age, but I never developed a taste for classics— I’m of the The Baby-Sitters Club and Sweet Valley High generation!
A Difficult Pathway? I’m excited about the release of the NKJV Journal The Word Bible as an aid in your journey toward remembering Scripture. But she has continued to create a welcoming environment in her home in the midst of it all (usually a delicious candlelit breakfast by the window with tea when I stop over). It was not always neat but always full of mystery and wonder. To those who are are parents of tinies….you will get there! Of course, neither Glenn nor I grew up with screens everywhere, so we aren’t exactly sure how to navigate this well with our family. WOOHOO!
God is calling us to hear, see, and taste His goodness in His world. Also called Gaudete Sunday, it is the Sunday of Joy (Gaudete means, “Rejoice” in Latin). We are passing on a life, not just information. Read more Read less. How could we not become writers and speakers, if we listen to Homer or Shakespeare?
It’s easy to blame Glenn or get upset with him for spending too much time on screens or allowing our children to watch them when I’m implicated in it too.
& Virginia Price, Ph.D, The Enneagram Made Easy by Renee Baron & Elizabeth Wagele, The Enneagram – A Christian Perspective by Richard Rohr, The Wisdom of the Enneagram – The Complete Guide to Psychological and Spiritual Growth for the Nine Personality Types by Don Riso & Russ Hudson (one of my favorites), The Enneagram in Love and Work by Helen Palmer, “Every rhythm and atom of existence are spaces in which the kingdom can come, in which the story of God’s love can be told anew, in which the stuff of life can be turned marvelously into love.” Sarah Clarkson. I believe He gave us His Word so we may know Him and glorify Him.