you study, learn and teach English including text analysis, language People in India use the word all the time and its usage is just as common as ‘postpone’. English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. GAMES; BROWSE THESAURUS; WORD OF THE DAY; WORDS AT PLAY. Please search the site before posting.
Most languages are continuously evolving over time and English is the language which is evolving the quickest. Delivered to your inbox!
to simplify whats complicated (to him/her), to complicate whats simple, to have absolute authority over others, to always be able to change everything beside themselves ! What crimes have been committed or attempted in space? The question whether PONE would .. does not sound to be fair.
at the end of the day language is all about communication…. I think there has been a lot of words that has been added to the English language derived from other languages.. eg.
Other antonyms. Show activity on this post. terms, irregular verbs, phrasal verbs and idioms. The reasoning being that the word prepone worked well as the antonym of postpone, without any confusion in the intended meaning, unlike when using words such as ‘advanced’, which are homonyms (with multiple meanings/usages). There are many Indians who consider English their first language, myself included.
Both linguistic isolation and native influence enriched (or distorted, depending on one’s view) dialects in such places. While all these words mean "to delay an action or proceeding," postpone implies an intentional deferring usually to a definite time. If you want to learn English grammar or grow your vocabulary then these resources will help you with your studies. Marathi language also has been evolved over the period of time. No reason — it is, in fact, attested Latin! I think using prepone is fine as it is perfect antonym of postpone. If you have a question about the English language and would like to ask one of our many English teachers and language experts, please click the button below to let us know: Use the search box above to quickly search the forum, or use our Advanced Search.
“Prepone” is a desirable addition to the English language vocabulary.
Raman’s English teacher seems to be a bigot and so is Enoch. After my daughter’s stunned reaction I told her I meant water pipes, not prostitutes.
Languages developed (many from Latin due to the Roman Empire), dialects evolved in somewhat separated populations, and colonization spread certain ones to other people groups. In other words, QQ MOAR. By the way some of the expressions you are taking so much offence to are old English expressions which may have been discontinued in some parts of the world by so called native “dumbed down” English speakers. @ All And if I do obtain it, will postpone my appointment with Mr. Lovelace. After all we can prepend, so why cant we prepone ??
Then I searched about the word and found this site. I told my wife and daughter that I had passed a cafe with Lebanese men outside with their hookahs. Just because it originated from India, the word doesn’t have acceptance? pushed back)? Resources and materials for ESL teachers including free ESL handouts We live to see languages evolving and improving with more precisely expressive words. hasten. I have reasons that I cannot now explain, for all I do, and all I postpone. Word of the Day: paraphernalia.
What made you want to look up postpone? If we accept “prepone”, would we say that an event that took place on schedule was “poned”? c.1500, from Latin postponere "put after; esteem less; neglect; postpone," from post "after" (see post-) + ponere "put, place" (see position (n.)). It conveys the idea without ambiguity, unlike the well-accepted “advance” which may confuse some – whether it implies moving forward or backward. We dont complain! Not sure if these words are opposite to Postpone! Like I stated before, languages continually evolve and adapt to their surroundings and changing situations.
How can I better handle 'bad-news' talks about people I don't care about. so if you are going to travel here for work you might as well learn these words, hardly any harm done. As I read the posts here, I ‘heard’ them in my own accent, so any odd turns of phrase sounded simply “wrong.” In fact, some posts I read are only in English due to a web-based translator that made it awkward. Postpone: to assign to a later time. How to make this illumination effect with CSS.
check out the. including advice, tutorials, opinions and lesson plans from various If you’re confused by the usage, you can be sure that others are too. Nglish: Translation of postpone for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of postpone for Arabic Speakers.
It is wise to accept the current trends of language, which most of the people use and understand, to make the communication easy. Also includes “Prepone” reminds me of a mother trying to potty-train her child (an unpleasant activity). 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? to mean the scheduled event (which includes payment) has been re-sketched to happen earlier . Since I have been familiar with this word for about 40 years now, it does not sound any different from several new words that have crept into the English language over its history known to me. is the web's best resource for English synonyms, antonyms, and definitions.