Displayed are the RANGES of min – max of values (provided in %). Processable data for study results is prioritised by test species (see list below) and subsequently further prioritised by the dose descriptor.
Agricultural Research Service, Accessed April 27 (2004). If more than one numerical result is available per endpoint, the range of results (min-max) will be presented (RANGE method). PNEC STP, data displayed in milligram per litre. Hazard for terrestrial organisms provides information on the substance’s hazard assessment conclusion related to terrestrial organisms/soil. According to the notifications provided by companies to ECHA in REACH registrations no hazards have been classified. EC50/LC50 for microorganisms provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration or lethal concentration for 50% of the microorganisms in the test, generally displayed in milligram per litre. ECHA has no public registered data on the routes by which this substance is most likely to be released to the environment.
The EC Number is the numerical identifier for substances in the EC Inventory. The chart displays the number of matching substance classifications (hazard class, categories and hazard statements) provided by manufacturers and importers under REACH and CLP notifications, as well as whether the substance is defined under harmonised classification and labelling (CLH). Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and chemopreventive effects[1]. Unlike the pictograms in the ‘Classification and Labelling’ section, these icons are not determined by any legislative procedure and have the sole purpose of being informative in the context of InfoCards and Brief Profiles. Phototransformation in water provides information on the substance’s phototransformation in water in seconds/minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years. Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the picklist conclusion. Others may act through activation of T-cells or by inhibiting the activation of helper cells. The use information is displayed per substance life cycle stage (consumer use, in articles, by professional workers (widespread uses), in formulation or re-packing, at industrial sites or in manufacturing). The Brief Profile summarises the non-confidential data on substances as it is held in the databases of the European Chemical Agency (ECHA), including data provided by third parties. No data available: testing technically not feasible. Nam ante ipsum, suscipit non sapien nec, congue consequat ante. Vanillic acid inhibits NF-κB activation. This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - …
-hydroxybenzoic acid, 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid, Maria L.A.D. 'IUPAC name' is the generic field by which substance names are provided in various data submission tools. Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the type of density. It is also an intermediate in the production of vanillin from ferulic acid.
Data is generally standardised and displayed in milligram per kilo soil (dry weight). Vanillic acid is a phenolic acid found in some forms of vanilla and many other plant extracts. The source of the information is mentioned in the introductory sentence of the hazard statement. If more than one numerical result is available per endpoint, the range of results (min-max) and range of experimental conditions will be presented (RANGE method).Relative density provides substance information on the relatively density (measurement units are not processed for relative density) at a temperature measured in Celsius (°C). Y is the check-digit calculated in accordance with the 10-digit ISBN method.