#gallery-1.fastgallery.fotorama.fg_style2 .fotorama__thumb-border { #gallery-1.fastgallery.fotorama.fg_style8 .fotorama__html > div { } the delicate transition experienced by a child passing into adolescence and then adulthood. He began his commercial work when magazines primarily were using illustrations created by painters, before the time photography took over the scene. border-color:rgba( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.7); } #gallery-1.fastgallery .fg-gallery-caption, This site uses cookies to analyze traffic for ads measurement purposes. I came away with the understanding that light exposes possibilities and opens the mind to seeing things differently. He then photographs each element of the piece using a medium format camera, making sure the light intensity and direction are the same in each shot. #gallery-1.fastgallery.fg_thumbs_one { Fortunately, efforts currently are being made to preserve the Marwari breed. Raised in a family alongside four brothers and the absence of sisters, my eyes were opened by my daughter’s growing up experiences from a girl to a teenager to a young woman. #gallery-1.fastgallery.fotorama.fg_style10 .fotorama__thumb-border { tension in the uncertain coexistence between man and his environment, a delicate balance too often ignored and I hope to strike a similar emotional connection in the viewer by illustrating a disturbed world that has been thrown out of balance as a result of climate changes created by man's blind disregard in fulfilling immediate, self-serving needs. The animal kingdom and mankind engage in an ongoing dance of co-existence which results in a predictable tension. } The greatest challenge is in making sure the light intensity and direction are similar in each of these shots. Following recent travels in Italy, I was awed by the metaphysical nature of Tuscan light. To create a photomontage I photograph each element of the final image using a Nikon digital camera. border-color:rgba( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.7); Photographer Tom Chambers was raised in the Amish farm country of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Chambers considers his photographs to be not so much about taking photos as making them. Armed with a Nikon D700 and Adobe Photoshop, Chambers assembles mythical untold stories, replete with emotion and the promise of movement–like a dew drop on a bouncy spring leaf–allowing the viewer to walk away from his work with a fully formed fairy tale spinning in their mind. Tom Chambers Photography, Richmond, VA. 8K likes. My photomontage series “To the Edge” celebrates the biodiversity of the natural world. Marwari: Indigenous Species series (2009). #gallery-1.fastgallery.gallery.fg_style10 .gallery-icon .fg_zoom a:hover { } } #gallery-1.fastgallery.fg_style8 .fg-gallery-caption { The unique light accentuated the brilliance of the Renaissance artistic and architectural masterpieces. These photomontages illustrate my dreams for the Mexican people that they are able to retain the authenticity of their culture. in 1985 from The Ringling School of Art, Sarasota, Florida majoring in graphic design with an emphasis in photography. Exploring Iceland I stretched to look underneath, above, and around the edges of the landscape. background:rgba( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.7); } Galerie Vevais published "Werkdruck No. Tom Chambers Photography. Wing and entrails burnt—cerise at the edge. Illumination, a series of photomontages, illustrates stories about personal beliefs and seeing things in a different light.