Never mind the broadest selection of technical analysis indicators on the market today. Design customized indicators and trading strategies using English-like statements. CFDs are complex financial instruments traded on margin. Access visual options chains that highlight your strategy’s probability to break even across a series of expirations. My personal recommendation for an investor or trader is to combine the MetaStock & Refinitiv packages together. If you simply want the end of day data and all the MetaStock functionality, the price starts at a reasonable $22 per month. You are then presented with an interactive report which enables you to scan through the many predictive recognizers which help you understand the basis for the prediction and the methodology. MetaStock’s software offers a host of tools called PowerTools. SSRN Electronic Journal. This is the fastest global news service available on the market including translations into all major languages. Disclaimer – Terms & Conditions – Refund Policy,, Most CFDs have no set maturity date and a CFD position matures on the date an open position is closed. If you are primarily interested in real-time news services to help your trading, take a look at our 10 Best Financial News Services Review, Get MetaStock 3 Months for the Price of One. Included in Refinitiv Xenith you also get stock quotes, charts, detailed Analyst Estimates, and a full listing of all financial details and SEC filings, complete with upcoming events listings so you are prepared for action. If $199 for the Xenith + MetaStock Package is too much, then fear not. MetaStock has a clean sweep in terms of Stock Exchanges covered (e.g., all of them), and it covers all of the vehicles, Stocks, ETF’s Mutual Funds, Options, Futures Forex, and Bonds. As you will see, that is an excellent combination of award-winning technical analysis and expert advisors for system backtesting, forecasting, and analysis. If you want to get serious about trading stocks, you need to invest in a stock analysis software. Forex data is also referred to as the spot prices for currencies. The other option is the MetaStock Daily Charts Subscription that is especially designed for end of day traders and is powered by Reuters. While stock analysis software won’t turn you into an instant pro, it will help you incorporate science and logic into online trading. Core features include detailed financial snapshots of a company. In the image below, you see the Refinitiv Xenith Streaming News Screen for Netflix (Ticker: NFLX). AML Policies This reiterates that consistently making money trading stocks is not easy.