Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-05-24 As Indians , we must of course learn from the past ; but we must remain focused on the future . Facebook. Usage Frequency: 1 Tumblr.
दुर्भाग्यवश , हम यह मान बै ते हैं कि हर पाकिस्तानी शासक अपने पूर्ववर्ती से अलग होगा ; इ हमें अतीत को भूलककर नए मसीहा पर भरोसा कर लेना चाहिए . Usage Frequency: 2 We are unfortunately inclined to believe that every Pakistani ruler is different from his predecessor , that we should forget the past and trust the new messiah . I do not wish to speak to you of the past , but rather of the present .
Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2017-05-15 We should embrace the past despite of its bad memories and learn a lesson from it. Quality: Email. Quality: Usage Frequency: 1 Forget the Past but remember the Lesson | कहानी जो जीवन बदल देगी Last Update: 2020-04-25
ക്രിയാവിശേഷണം (Adverb)
मैं आपके सामने गुजरे जमाने के बारे में नहीं , बल्कि आज के बारे में कुछ कहना चाहता हूं ।, Last Update: 2020-05-24 Print. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-08-26 അവ്യയം (Conjunction)
Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-09-07
Usage Frequency: 1
Forget the past, but remember the lesson. Malayalam meaning and translation of the word "forget" Advertisement End.
Forgiveness does not change the past , but it does enlarge the future . Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-07-10 They forget it's the present that matters. Malayalam meaning and translation of the word "remember" You may want to calm down, but we recommend a maximum of three days.
Some men used to seek refuge with the jinn in the past , but that only increased their insolence . " द्विध्रुवीयता अब अतीत की चीज बन चुकी है लेकिन गरीबी और बेजा दबावों की समस्या अब भी शेष है ।. We use cookies to enhance your experience.
സംജ്ഞാനാമം (Proper noun)
This does not mean finding a substitute as soon as possible, but not in the room every day to mourn fate. ഉപസര്ഗം (Preposition)
हमने पुराने दिनों में यही अच्छा काम किया है , लेकिन यह क्षेत्र की दृष्टि से सीमित रहा है ।. Human translations with examples: वाह याद करती है. Please enter your email address here . what indication did this give to halku?. Usage Frequency: 1 ഭാഷാശൈലി (Idiom)
February 7, 2019. Topic – forget the past remember the lesson meaning Avoid being too often alone. Quality: Usage Frequency: 1
Quality: Sometimes we in order to try to forget a painful past, we forget the lesson in it. വിശേഷണം (Adjective)
2.4 5 votes 5 votes Rate! Today, I want you to cut yourself and others some slack. This site is using cookies under cookie policy. Pinterest. Reference: Anonymous, forget the pain but never the lessons you gained, दर्द को भूल जाओ लेकिन कभी भी आपके द्वारा प्राप्त किए गए सबक नहीं, Last Update: 2018-06-06
Usage Frequency: 3 Quality:
If you consider your past mistakes, simply appreciate the lessons that you learned from them and move on. MyMemory is the world's largest Translation Memory. Bipolarity is now a thing of the past , but the problems of poverty and pressures still remain . उनके लिए अतीत को अचानक भुला देना आसान नहीं है ।.
Reference: Anonymous. Usage Frequency: 1