If, for any reason, your cemetery selection of a burial facility is not available, Catholic Cemeteries of the Archdiocese of St. Louis will provide similar kind and quantity at another Archdiocesan cemetery. Loitering and boisterous demonstration or improper assemblages are not permitted within the Cemetery. The Cemetery does not approve of permanent in-ground metal flower vases, nor will it accept any liability for their loss or damage under any circumstances. We bury our dear ones with love. A lot that has a monument privilege, which has not as yet had a monument installed or where the monument is to be replaced, may have only one monument per lot which is to memorialize all those who are buried there. Charges apply. The installation of a pre-need marker reserves a grave space. Love reaches far into the future expressing itself in caring for the place of burial and the beauty of the surrounding cemetery grounds. A letter signed by the purchaser is to be on file with the cemetery that full responsibility for the vase(s) is with the family.
Copyright © 2020 Archdiocese of St. Louis.
Exceptions will not be made after an order has been placed. 2 markers, one at the head center of Graves 7-8-9 and Graves 10-11-12: 42" x 16" x 6". Cremated remains are not permitted for burial in monuments or benches. Occupied burial space or unused graves isolated by the burial of family members or a monument may not be returned. The Board of Trustees established the Endowed Care Fund in 1860. The Cemetery reserves the right at all times to prescribe the kind, design, size, symbolism, craftsmanship, quality and material of all memorials, inscriptions, plaques, monuments or markers placed in the Cemetery. The visiting and working hours will be determined by the Cemetery.
Should any tree, shrub or planting on any lot become detrimental to the adjoining lots or passageways or dangerous to passersby, it shall be lawful for the Cemetery to remove the offending material at the expense of the lotholder. All OSHA and State regulations must be adhered to. Bronze medallions, permanent decals and temporary decals are not permitted on crypt fronts.
1, 2 and 3, of a six grave lot may have a 42" X 16" X 6" lawn marker centered at the head of the three graves if a monument is not to be installed. For the safety of both our visitors and employees, this includes items left on top of the lawn level markers. 3 markers, one at the head center of Graves 7-8, Graves 9-10 and Graves 11-12: 30" x 16" x 4". Funerals taken grave side must have pallbearers.
If a stone vase is used it must have a drain hole.
No athletic equipment of any kind is to be used on cemetery property. Families with burial space that have no prospective need in the future are encouraged to donate these graves to the Cemetery to be used for charity burials upon the request of individual pastors. The job is to be done in a workmanlike manner. In some cases the front graves, nos. A drawing with all designs and inscriptions on the stone, including artwork, must be submitted to the Cemetery with the foundation order and a photo of the entire lot. The families must be responsible for the collection prior to removal days and replacement after the removal days are past. The family should inspect them from time to time. If the lotholder was in error, he bears the full responsibility with no liability upon the part of the Cemetery. A bench may be installed on a lot zoned for a monument in lieu of the monument. Included in this definition of a ‘cemetery’ are the grounds, facilities and personnel involved in the interment and memorialization of the dead. Lotholders shall not allow an interment on their lot for a remuneration. Icy weather, the heat of the sun and effects of air pollution all contribute to the deterioration of stonework.
All stonework and monuments joined to other stones must incorporate bronze dowels of at least 3/8" thickness and 6" long. Foundation fees were included in the purchase price of all graves up to and including eight (8) grave lots effective January 1, 2005. Maintenance work not covered by Endowed Care will be done at the expense of the lotholder. To do so the cemeteries are to be conducive to the funeral liturgy and its personnel helpful in providing sound counsel in the selection of a family plot responsive to family needs and its vision of itself. All workmen employed by others in the erection, installation, addition or other work on memorial work, vaults, planting, etc., are subject to the control and direction of the Cemetery Office. Personal representative signing shall not be personally liable but shall be liable only in his or her capacity as personal representative and to the extent of the assets of the estate of the deceased lotholder or descendant as described above.
All decorations on family monuments other than those in industry standard rust-proof cradles or in the monument vases will be removed as per the published decoration removal schedule. Catholic Cemeteries of the Archdiocese of St. Louis agree only to those items contained in writing in the contract as signed. All rights reserved. Should all or any part of an inscription, memorial, effigy or other structure be deemed unfitting or incompatible with the Catholic character of the Cemetery, it shall be lawful for the Cemetery to prohibit its erection, or, if erected, to remove it upon receipt of orders by the proper Ecclesiastical Authority at the lotholder’s expense.
The monument may be installed at any time after the lawn crypt is paid for in full and may be a maximum height of 30", a maximum length of 30", monolithic in design of a width between 8" and 10".
No object of any kind may be attached to a lawn level marker; etchings are permitted upon approval by the Cemetery Office. It is the responsibility of the lotholder that all memorial work be maintained in a solid, non-hazardous condition. The base of monuments must be rock pitched to at least 6" above the surface of the ground. As the individual cemeteries grow older the sale of lots, crypts and niches and interments fall off, leaving the burden of caring for the burial grounds and cemetery infrastructure more and more dependent upon income generated by the Endowed Care Fund investments. Express permission of the Cemetery Office must be obtained before they may be installed. As of December 1, 1988 all upright markers are to be doweled to a pre-cast concrete base prior to setting on a sand foundation. Such graves may be donated for charity burials. An additional lettering charge for the crypt front will be assessed.
The fully completed and signed Lotholder's Authorization to Inter form must be presented at the Cemetery office in person or by fax/scan by noon prior to the day of interment with the original presented on the day of burial. These rules assist in protecting the cemeteries, creating and preserving their beauty, and ensuring that the interests of all concerned parties are addressed equally. Stones are moved by the natural action of frost and weather. One-half of the cost of a two-grave lot must be paid before an interment may be made. Materials used should have a religious motif in keeping with the sacred nature of the cemetery. It is the responsibility of the lotholder to return the vases to their holder so that they will not damage the cemetery equipment. A change of records fee will be deducted from the purchase price returned. The Cemetery disclaims all responsibility for damage or injury to memorial work although it will exercise all ordinary care to protect them. 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. GATES LOCKED AT 5:00 P.M. Resurrection Cemetery Office only: Saturday 8:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. (Calvary Cemetery Office Closed). For the burial of an infant, child, or cremated remains, or on those lots with prepoured concrete foundations, the foundation orders may be processed anytime.
The Cemetery will refund the original purchase price, if possible, prorated for the portion returned. Any funds paid towards unused Rights of Sepulture and Endowment are subject to a maximum charge of $300.00, plus any other costs incurred by the Cemetery. A funeral director will schedule the interment in all other situations and accompany the family to the cemetery. Materials used in the manufacture of memorial work should be selected with concern for durability. Aisles, walks, roads and other areas may be converted to burial ground as determined by the Cemetery. The Cemetery shall not be responsible for any order given by telephone.
ABA compliant signs must have tactile letters in all caps with
No peddling or soliciting is permitted in the Cemetery at any time. No marker is permitted on the graves in a monument row. Sanitary facilities, where provided, are for the use of workers and visitors. Hard, dense marble may be used, but is not recommended. Only traditional bronze patina markers may be used, color is not permitted. They must be pinned to the concrete foundation, as bases are not permitted. slope of ground, and should be at least 6" rock pitched above the ground surface. All memorial work must conform to cemetery specifications. Lawn level markers are to be set even with the ground, not plumb or level. No memorial work of any kind, its installation, alteration, lettering or other activity may take place on a lot or crypt that is not fully covered with endowed care or if any fee or charge is outstanding on the lot or crypt. The grade of all lots, graves, sections, roads, fences or other features of the Cemetery shall be determined by the Cemetery and may be altered when deemed necessary for the common good of lot owners or visitors. The interest earned on the investment of the Endowed Care Fund Principal provides an essential portion of the Cemetery’s operating income. Due to the nature of bronze vases the cemetery is not liable for theft or damage under any circumstances whatsoever. The Cemetery has the right to charge fees for memorial foundation permits. The Cemetery is not liable for accuracy of orders received over the telephone.
Lettering should be of design and size appropriate to the stone in question. The Cemetery is not liable for the condition of vases or any damage to them. They are buried in a reverential and respectful manner with American flags and any other religious items. An opening fee for each of the three entombments may be assessed.
Crypts, lots and portions thereof may not be transferred by a private party to anyone other than the Cemetery, provided, however, that the Cemetery is not obligated to accept the same. Person of collateral relationship to lotholder or his/her descendants as described above who has approval in writing (signature) of a person with authorization to order interments. There may be a maximum of two entombments in a lawn crypt: two adults; two standard urns no larger than 10" x 10" x 10" or one adult and one standard size urn.
All monuments are to be at least 3' high. They are not saved for retrieval.