The unit takes approximately 2 or 3 minutes to boot up, during which the power light will blink. The power light will move from amber to green indicating all self tests have passed and the modem is booting up. Set your computer IP address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway to static. The transmitter connected to my router is OK with light in both Power led and Network led, but the middle Home led do not lit due to no reciever found. What would cause the power light to suddenly start flashing non-stop/ Can't reset the router, can't access #SP_Jun_2019 The power light indicates that your modem is plugged in and working. If the Power LED is still amber or blinking then connect your computer to the LAN port of the router. Press and hold the Reset button to restore the router to its factory settings. No power light form Power LED. The power light will turn solid green when the modem finishes boot-up. ... And finealy no device apear on Zyxel Utility Software I have filled out the RMA-form in link above. The power light will blink amber during a Local firmware upgrade. Dong Ngo/CNET You may have noticed that your router and modem have, like, a ton of constantly blinking lights on them. If the light stays red for a minute or longer, the modem has a problem. Check if the link light (HomePlug) is ON, after completing the steps on the first three bullets Unplug the adapter(s) from power outlet, wait about 20-30 seconds and plug back in If encryption was enabled on existing HomePlug AV appliances and a new adapter is being added please make sure to press the encrypt button on an existing PLA device, then press encrypt (within 120 seconds) on the new addition … If it is still not working, factory reset the router by pushing a paper clip or pen into the Reset hole on the back of the router. After boot up, the power light should turn solid. If the power light is red, the modem is self-testing its hardware. The modem is ready to establish an internet connection. Turn off the router and then turn it back on to see if the Power LED turns green or white. If this does not occur: Reboot the router by unplugging it from its power source for 10 seconds and then plugging it back in. If the modem is on, the light should flash green. The WAN (Internet) light on a router shows the status of the Internet connection.