Their main difference is that June bugs are rounder than roaches, they have antennae that are curled like eyelashes, they are 100% vegetarian, eating leaves and … Crickets’ body is cylindrical, like a mini-tube and roaches’ body more like flatten oval. Roach Description.
Just like roaches, the leaf-footed bug is also brown in color, around an inch long, and has wings. Cockroach bodies have a measure of shine to them, and their wings are folded tightly against their backs. But they are actually different.
They feature oval flat bodies with spiny legs and long antennae. The insects come in standard dark brown, black or reddish colors. Adult bugs are pretty large, bigger than a standard America or German roach: they reach up to 2 inches.. Their size ranges from a half an inch to almost two inches long. 6. Among those bugs, I think crickets look very similar to cockroaches because of its size and antenna. Some bugs that look like roaches but aren't include crickets, water bugs, and certain beetles.
Wood Boring Beetles. They can be found on window sills or walls of the house, often during early fall or late summer. Those who are acquainted with American roaches would find that wood roaches are very similar to them in their looks. 8) Leaf-Footed Bug: These bugs appear like roaches, but are not that similar looking.
Crickets . Armed with this new knowledge, you’ll be better prepared to go out and do battle against whatever pesky insect has invaded your domain. Roaches are brown to reddish-brown in color. So, you have to wait for them to emerge from the tree or wood.
Common bugs that look like cockroaches, and, therefore, are often mistaken for roaches, are crickets and water bugs as well as beetles such as the ground beetle, wood-boring beetle, Palto Verde beetle, and Asian Long-Horned beetle. Also called May beetles, June bugs look like roaches because of their reddish-brown to black color. Due to their six legs, antennae, body shape, and brown translucent wings, wood-boring beetles remarkably look the same as cockroaches but they can fly, which mostly roaches can’t and there are other characteristics that tell these two bugs apart.
It however has markings that are different from roaches. After reading about the six types of bugs that look like roaches (but aren’t), you can make a more informed decision about how to control the pests.