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It is much closer to the model that other industrial production systems apply, with clearer specification of the product and its performance right from the computerised drawing board. It has therefore been possible to substantially increase the degree of prefabrication in wooden structures, and to change the construction site process from manufacture to assembly.

The Timber Legality Risk Assessment contains an evaluation of the risk of illegality in Sweden for five categories and 21 sub-categories of law. On the other hand, the open assembly time is shortest when using these units and there are plenty of good ways to protect them from the elements. Please follow SwedTimber Ltd on Facebook! Low risk of illegality. Assembling a box unit, Vinsta, Stockholm. A protective roof is then built. Good weather conditions can be sufficient for single houses, but for continuous professional operations, some type of roof cover is required so that moisture is not built into the structure. Swedish Wood represents the Swedish sawmill industry and is part of the Swedish Forest Industries Federation. A number of different designs for weatherproofing have been developed, the most advanced of which combine weather protection with a gantry so that it also serves as an assembly crane. Norra Timber is a welcome market resource for wood product customers. These links are described briefly in the section Building with wood, page 79 and Moisture in the construction process, page 81. A stick-built house with a wooden façade and a structural frame in wood and concrete, Villa Nilsson, Höganäs, nominated for the Swedish Timber Prize 2012. Insulation, a vapour barrier, cladding or sheet material must not be fitted until the surface moisture content is below 18%. Surface units for floors in low-rise buildings often have the same structure as stick-built wooden floor structures, with load-bearing joists and a sheet material on top. Site-built walls are usually assembled horizontally on the foundation slab or on an upstairs floor. Various unit root and cointegration tests have been computed. This has led to ever taller high-rises, sports halls and road bridges being built around a wooden structural frame. Founded in 1945, ATA Timber is still a family owned business. To prevent absorption of water in studs, impregnation and waxing of sills and end-grain wood on the studs has been trialled, along with the use of composite wood materials that do not absorb water. The degree of prefabrication varies; in the most complete units, box units, the surface layer and installations for electricity, telephony, data and plumbing can be pre-installed, so that it all simply needs to be connected on the construction site. We at AB Timber produce at production specialists for each field, product or area across Sweden. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Concrete and wood floor structure, other structural parts in glulam, office block, Växjö. The construction time on site can be reduced by having parts of the structural frame or the building prefabricated as modules. A harvesting permit is required. FSC™ A000535 | The mark of responsible forestry | www.fsc.org, productive forest land, defined as land that can produce at least 1 m, Rainforest Alliance Sustainable Agriculture. The critical issue is whether moisture can penetrate contact surfaces between different pieces of wood, end-grain wood surfaces and under sills (see above on surface elements units), places where it is difficult to achieve rapid drying. Search Search. In Sweden, the Swedish Forest Agency is the competent authority that is responsible for the application of the Regulation. Made of solid timber and situated about an hour from Stockholm in the Kajstaden district of Västerås, a recently completed multifamily development has become the tallest timber building Sweden. kontakt@ata.nu. Quarterly data of delivery prices are employed over the period 1999Q1–2012Q4. This page provides an overview of the legality risks related to Timber produced in Sweden. Many such systems are available on the market. Photo Johan Ardefors. We also offering horse bedding shavings. Photo Åke E:son Lindman. We’ll get you noticed. Timber Risk Score: 100 / 100 in 2017. The EEA countries Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein are in this case considered as EU countries. It is the material’s strength in relation to its weight that increases the opportunity to build larger and more composite components. Phone +46 472-36100. The main towns in northern Sweden with timber in­dustries are Harnosand and Sundsvall. There are currently no armed conflicts in Sweden according to the Council on Foreign Relations' Global Conflict Tracker, FSC Certified Forest Area: 12,725,493 hectares (3 January 2019), PEFC Certified Forest Area: 15,815,694 hectares (September 2018). 18%. Swedish Wood also lobbies on behalf of its members on key industry and trade issues. We are proud of being a family company with a long tradition, which has already today taken important steps into the future. Our company based in Sweden is a professional trader of Nordic timber with a wide range of wood mainly produced in leading sawmills in Sweden and Finland. A production process that does not allow moisture an opportunity to penetrate these surfaces is always the best solution. All Rights Reserved. Wood used in constructing buildings is dried down to a moisture content that matches the climate of the site. Walls as surface units often have the same structure as traditional stud walls. The walls, beams, balconies, elevators, and stairwells are all made from cross-laminated timber. This is known as standing volume. Glulam structures often apply a post and beam system, where prefabricated units are joined together on site. Timber jobs in Sweden on totaljobs. Norra Timber has sawmills with world-class technology and modern, well-invested units for added value products, plus the backing of 27,000 forest-owning co-owners, ensuring access to slow-grown timber from northern Sweden and a secure raw material supply. Timber frame construction has long existed in practically every country. A brand that creates winning partnerships. There are several ways of building with wood, with the main difference relating to the degree of prefabrication. Company List. ATA Timber takes pride in its products, always striving to produce sawn timber and pulp of the highest quality. Swedish Forest Industries Federation represents paper-, pulp- and the woodworking industry. We optimize value by offering sawable range down to 11cm. Floors in high-rise blocks require more advanced structures to achieve fire barriers and impact sound insulation between different apartments. Stick-built structures may be detached houses or larger buildings. This section addresses the construction process when wood or wood components are the load-bearing material for the structural frame.

Photo: Per Bergkvist. The Regulation applies to both imported and Swedish products. Typical customer base are industrial customers as well as building merchants. 6% of the global pulp exports, 8% of global paper exports and 11% of sawn timber exports worldwide come from Sweden (KSLA, 2015). Welcome to contact us.

The moisture content on such surfaces must be checked before encasing. Annual production is about 60 000 m3 of sawn timber.

The primary service is export of the highest quality woods which are dried, treated with chemical material against mold, a treatment that makes the wood fit for long term storing (impregnated timber).

The degree of prefabrication varies, but it is common for installations such as electricity, telephony, data and plumbing to be pre-installed, so all that remains is for these to be connected up once the units have been secured in place on site. This is why this edition of Choosing wood now also has a section on the end product, the building. This paper addresses the performance of the timber markets (Scots pine, Pinus silvestris L. and Norway spruce, Picea abies (L.) Karst.) This method is suitable for unique buildings and when building without advanced lifting equipment. Timber from productive forest land, defined as land that can produce at least 1 m3 stem wood including bark a year and that is not used for any other purpose such as agriculture, buildings or infrastructure. Construction timber is usually supplied with a target moisture content of 16% on delivery and is encased with a surface moisture content of max. Photo: Åke E:son Lindman.

Norra Timber has sawmills with world-class technology and modern, well-invested units for added value products, plus the backing of 27,000 forest-owning co-owners, ensuring access to slow-grown timber from northern Sweden and a secure raw material supply. Surface units for low-rise buildings, covered with transport protection, can tolerate a certain amount of dampness, but the place where the units connect to the foundation slab and the fixed locating sills is a sensitive point. Building with wood has a long tradition in Sweden, with the nation’s oldest preserved wooden buildings dating from the 13th century. And conversely, a building may have a wooden façade and a different carcass material, and such a building is not defined as a wooden building.

In addition, Swedish Wood represents the Swedish glulam and packaging industries, and collaborates closely with Swedish builders’ merchants and wholesalers of wood products.”, Swedish Wood In Sweden, we have a long tradition of building one- and two-storey buildings in wood. Storgatan 19 Surface moisture will not have time to penetrate very far into the wood – particularly if it is spruce – and the wood will dry out just as quickly as it became wet if the wood is not encased within the structure. The edges are profiled to fit with the floor structure and create a complete, load-bearing system. These often comprise two layers, one structural and one as a fire and sound barrier. Here you can easily find descriptions of many termes related to wood and wood industry.

The top of the units should have similar protection unless they are clad in some way. Box units are sensitive to precipitation before they are covered by a weatherproof roof. Postal address: The Timber Regulation applies to imports from countries outside the EU. ATA Timber’s sawmills produce mostly pine and spruce wood products for the construction industry. The load-bearing structure may comprise traditional beams, a CLT sheet or a cassette structure. Phone +46 476-221 38, Normal-grade timber is sawn at ATA Timber Widtsköfle. Phone +46 44-35 03 00, ATA Timber AB The use of surface units can normally allow around 20% of the on-site construction work to be moved to an industrial workshop. The company quickly expanded and made branches in Sweden, Austria and Bulgaria , .We can complete all kinds of orders from our customers requests for size and wood (pine, spruce, and beech). This requirement relates most explicitly to the fully finished prefabrications, i.e. With stick building, the open assembly time is longer, even for low-rise buildings. About 42% is naturally-regenerated forest. Although Sweden’s forest land only sums up to about 1% of global forest area, the country is the third largest exporter globally of wood products. Check out the latest issue of Norra Timber News! This protection is also required during transport. Annual production is about 75 000 m3 of sawn timber.