Sie wird von Rebecca Mader porträtiert, während ihr jüngeres Ich von Isabella Blake-Thomas dargestellt wird. Zelena, ehemals die böse Hexe des Westens, ist eine Figur aus Once Upon a Time. Even more suspicious now, Zelena demands to know why he is stealing from her. When losing her virginity to what she believed to be a prince, Cora is livid to find out weeks later that Jonathan, the man she slept with, is but a mere palace gardener. She reveals that she is with child - his child - but he escapes before Cora is able to call for help. The Wizard gives Zelena a pair of … With his cover blo… One day, while Zelena is away from her chambers, Robin of Locksley, on Rumplestiltskin's orders, attempts to steal some of the elixir of the wounded heart. Zelena grows up in Oz, raised by a drunken woodsman after his wife passes away, who hates Zelena's magic. Prince Leopold does come to her rescue though, and the two form a relationship, which gets in the way of Leopold's current engagement to Princess Eva. One day, the woodsman tells Zelena that she is adopted and calls her "wicked" due to her magical abilities, so Zelena leaves and goes to see the Wizard of Oz. Zelena ist die Böse Hexe des Westens in Oz, wo sie mit ihrer Armee von fliegenden Affen regierte. In San Francisco wird sie zu Kelly West. When she questions his actions, Robin salutes and greets her, unaware that her guards know better than to talk to her. Disguised as one of Zelena's guards, Robin manages to fill two vials, but he drops one of the vials after she catches him trespassing. The Wizard reveals that she has a sister named Regina who is being mentored in magic by a powerful sorcerer named Rumplestiltskin.