1 Management Accounting Research and Structuration Theory: A Critical Realist Critique Introduction and Background Giddens'1 structuration theory has long been a popular theoretical lens for management accounting researchers, especially in the area of management accounting change.2 Since the publication of Robert and Scapens 3 and Macintosh and Scapens, 4 which introduced structuration In this study, we surveyed members of the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) all Certified Management Accountants (CMA) working in the United States to determine, 1) the adoption rate of forty-one management accounting practices by their In management accounting theory, the relationship between volume and total variable cost is presented as a continuous linear function; that is, a straight line when plotted on a graph. 3.1. problem of agency theory 7kh djhqf\ uhodwlrqvkls dv zh kdyh ghvfulehg lw deryh idfh d ixqgdphqwdo sureohp zklfk lv ghdolqj zlwk wkh ehkdylru ri wkh djhqw dqg klv ghvluh wr pd[lpl]h wkhlu rzq xwlolw\ ixqfwlrq zklfk pd\ qrw eh frqvlvwhqw zlwk wkh Management accounting has no set principles such as the double entry system of bookkeeping. In economic theory, the relationship is assumed to be curvilinear. In place of generally accepted accounting principles, the philosophy of cost benefit analysis is the core guide of this discipline. It says that no accounting system is good or bad but is can be considered