Nice stories, Your stories are really inspring. Once I had did this test got the call I had started to feel noticed. It felt impossible for this middle-aged mother of three with no childcare and no savings to do anything for herself. Good Luck! When I ended my relationship with my former partner I felt broken beyond repair, lost in the shadows of trauma, and unfulfilled expectations. You must fully release your vision in order for it to manifest. Genesis, I feel the same. By following these kind stories, we can achieve a better life i feel. Seven months after I left my husband, I found out he had been cheating on me. When my immediate supervisor left to work at an inpatient hospice and asked me to go with her, I found myself excited to connect with the families and patients. These stories have helped me re-evalate my self worth and appreciate things differently, hopefully we get to see some more up here soon , I m just Speechless..!! This is the second Full Moon of October for the majority of the world, making it a calendar ‘Blue Moon’. Gail is President of Innovations: Training With Can-Do Attitude.). We do not have to be ashamed of what we are. This accounts for the seeming contradiction between “opposites attract” and the major principle of LOA, “like attracts like.”. Thank you I love it I need this story in my e mail every day one story per day or whatever thank you. 7. We have so many people walking around who are dead and don’t even know it! I loved it! I personally find this to have some truth to it  and I would expect this to be the case for this one considering the planetary configurations. They have spark something within me to help me live wisely. Healthy self-awareness is the only antidote to self-absorption. Having an experience that changes your life can really flip how you view the way you are, live your life or feel. you enlighten my life thank you for this wonderful and encouraging story.. Wow thanks fot the great stories am blessed i used to devalue my self due to my past but thank God that i have known i have known. Awesome Stories ; I will implement with immediate effect. It’s not supposed to be easy. i loved these stories and please tell me how can i get more of them. Great stories, great lessons. – Male, 58, 2. Life is a process, Its Beautiful & meant to live it no matter what we face in the journey. To prepare, I cut back on expenses and sold a lot of my belongings. August 26, 2013 at 5:36 am. that’s how your morning should start thank you again. I had never even had a job and the prospect was a bit scary, but I took a shot at it and for the next 7 years I worked in Mexico, Hawaii, Brazil, Europe, and around the Caribbean. We associate Blue Moons with rare occurrences and happenings, hence the phrase ‘once in a Blue Moon’. After her death, I realized there was something bigger I needed to do in my life, but had no idea what. thanx for posting these stories..i believe these small stories will bring big difference in life…. The Law of Attraction is a beautiful tool that enables us to consciously put our creative powers to use! Be aware of your internal dialogue.