From the satellite, however, we can see a massive sunken ship. OK Google, Do you party? Se lo que estáis pensando, Google podría haber dedicado más tiempo a mejorar la aplicación (al menos de momento) en lugar de añadir bromitas. OK Google, Come in! Aquí tenéis las instrucciones: Como veis, hay varios para probar. – Isaac Asimov OK Google, What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything? OK Google, Are you real? OK Google, Where is Santa Claus? OK Google, How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? – Star Trek OK Google, Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street? OK Google, I’m naked. OK Google, Are you cold?
Esfuerzo INUTIL The only place to satisfy all of your guilty pleasures. No miro a nadie. If you were standing on the dock, you'd see nothing but the docked boats and the ocean below them.
Of course, Google Home wouldn’t be left in the dust by Amazon. OK Google, Do you like cats/dogs? Google Earth's satellites are so thorough that they can uncover mysteries that archaeologists haven't even discovered yet. OK Google, Up up down down left right left right B A Start. Here's What To Expect, Think Thailand Is Only For Backpackers? It's the images of the great plains of Africa that make users realize Google Earth hasn't left a corner untouched. OK Google, What is your quest? OK Google, Meow. OK Google, I’m happy. OK Google, Make me a sandwich. This good boy can be found in the Kumage District in Japan. [follow up with] OK Google, spell it?
OK Google, Are you sentient? SÍ. OK Google, What’s your favorite movie? OK Google, I’m sick. OK Google, Give me a hug. When you don't find her playing around outside, you can find her writing away in the closest coffee shop. – Star Wars OK Google, I solemnly swear that I’m up to no good. Pero bueno, eso nos pasa a todos, pero sorprende que pase en Google y da mucho que pensar. OK Google, Beam me up Scotty. OK Google, Do you have feelings? OK Google, Did you hear that?
Google Earth has proven that Satellites can grab the smallest of moments and store them for anyone with the Internet to explore. OK Google, That’s not a moon. – Wannabe by Spice Girls OK Google, War, what is it good for? y lo peor de todo es que Ya viene BLACKBERRY MESSENGER con esto ultimo esta TORRE DE BABEL va a terminar destruida y quemada en cenizas, porque el usuario promedio es MAYORIA y busca RAPIDEZ, FACIL ACCESO Y FACIL USO Algo que no terminan de entender el Imperio GOOGLE. OK Google, What’s your life story? – O.P.P. How To Make Google Assistant Spell Words Slower (Google Home), Register Your Robot & Get 15% Off Your Accessories Purchase. OK Google, What is your voice? OK Google, Are you happy?
Descubre los huevos de Pascua o Easter Eggs de Google Hangouts. OK Google, Say the alphabet. This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies.
OK Google, What’s that smell? OK Google, Winter is coming. No me seas hipócrita, y porque acaben de lanzar un nuevo servicio no esperes que tenga todas las mejoras y funcional 100%, si conocieses un poco el mundo de desarrollo sabrías que estos es así, se lanza una versión la cual se va modificando o actualizando. – Star Wars OK Google, Use the force. Y la aplicación para Android, por si todavía no la tenéis.
Lo dicho, soy el raro. OK Google, Play the name game with Chuck.
Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to – Game of Thrones OK Google, let me talk to Aeden at Westworld. ¿Qué os parecen a vosotros los Easter Egg de Hangouts? – Scarface OK Google, Show me the money! How Families Can Have An Amazing Trip. Thanks to the Covid-19, millions of people are staying home out of the public eye.
Muy limitante para solo tus contactos de GOOGLE PLUS otra red social ESTANCADA OK Google, Why is 6 afraid of 7? – War by Edwin Starr OK Google, What does the fox say? – A Few Good Men OK Google, You killed my father – The Princess Bride. This site is owned and operated by Kevin Noyes. Some claim the ship is a mistake on Google's end while others want to go deep diving. OK Google, Play a game. For a smart assistant, they have the best natural language processing out there and are usually the most accurate in understanding your questions and commands. OK Google, Do you work out? OK Google, Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? OK Google, Here comes dat boi.
OK Google, Entertain me. OK Google, Bark like a dog.
OK Google, How do you feel? Y ahora que alguien me explique cómo parar el ponistream XDDD, Menos trabajar en huevos de pascua y mas trabajar en un servicio coherente y decente. We can see them washed up on the shore and possible shadows of even more boats below the water's surface. OK Google, What are you going to dress up as for Halloween?
OK Google, Sing me happy birthday.